Dah Demam? Akademi Fantasia with a twist!

Dah Demam? Akademi Fantasia with a twist!

Greetings! This blog first came to life for my reviews and comments on Akademi Fantasia 2. It was more of a challenge to me as a way of developing my writing skills and basically also sharing ideas and thoughts with other fans. Alhamdulillah, the response has been good and I hope I will always be able to blog more on AF in the seasons to come.

Please note:
I am NOT A PROFESSIONAL. Let it be known that I am not musically trained or had any experience in attending such musical studies and neither have I any stage performance experience. The closest thing related to music is probably my 10++ years experience as a bedroom & mobile dj. What you read here is my personal opinion, my "pandangan mata kasar" and shouldn't be taken so seriously as I am sure before you visited this blog, you have formed your own opinion. If you are easily influenced, then I would suggest you get offline as you will read lots of conflicting comments / articles / writings on many things and it could just get messy in your head trying to understand them all. As a visitor I respect and welcome your comments, as long as the understanding is vice versa. Any ratings I gave are based on my own criteria of what is musically entertaining to myself, e.g. goosebumps factor, etc., etc. So disagree or laugh all you want if you find it silly. The ratings are not meant to discredit or hurt anyones feelings as I remind you again I'm NOT A PROFESSIONAL critic or whatever you wanna call it. So just please take it all as light reading and dont take it to heart especially if you are academicly qualified in the matter at hand. I'm just an amateur, so give me a break ok and spare me the lectures? *hehe*

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Friday, July 29, 2005
Akademi gets CRUEL!

Here is what the students has to say when asked about the only-four-for-the-final announcement. The excerpts below is taken fro Elkapitans' blog, those text in italics are his remarks, which I also agreed to);

Amylea: Pasal 4 sahaja dibenarkan...secara jujurnya saya tak berapa setuju...tak fair....

Yazer : Kalau boleh Yazer tak mahu siapa-siapa terkeluar...(beliau juga kata tidak mahu kontroversi dengan memberitahu siapa yang patut ke Final).

Mawi : Kalau program ini dah buat macam ini...kalau amik enam-enam ke Final okay gaks...kalau ada rezeki tak ke mana...

Felix : Sebenarnya saya tak setuju...kalau boleh nak 6...sebab Astro ini banyak kejutan...mungkin keluar atau tidak...(wah..ligat berfikir saudara Felix ni...).

Marsha : Saya tak puas hati...entah apa motif..I don't know... (buat-buat tak tahu...nak kaut duit lerrr)

And then as if to fire-up the already intensifying atmosphere between the fanclubs, we were shown this clip of them being asked to choose who would they want to join them in the finals;

Amylea : Saya kena cakap sapa dapat pi kann...Marsha and Felix should stay...kalau tak saya...patut Marsha la...wakil perempuan...

Yazer : Siapa harus stay? Kalau perempuan Amylea stay, kalau lelaki Felix (Selepas itu seperti mahu menutup lubang yang digali, beliau kata patut juga Marsha dan Mawi ke Final - memang boleh jadi diplomat la si Yazer ini...).

Mawi : Saya nak stay sama Felix...yang ngam dengan kepala saya...Yazer...Kefli...kalau lelaki Kefli, kalau perempuan Marsha...(aduih...jangan teragak-agak sangat Mawi, nampak kelemahan)

Felix : Saya harap orang tak marah...Kalau boleh saya nak Yazer dengan Amylea...macam poyo laa...(muka bersalah saja...)Marsha : Abang Hasrul suruh sebut dua orang...saya nak Amylea dan Felix...

Kefli : Kalau perempuan saya nak Marsha kalau lelaki saya nak Yazer..

Pity them huh? As if all those pressure of having to perform well is not already squeezing every ounce of energy that they might have. And heres Astro is mentally screwing them up. I dont think they are looking for tomorrows concert, another double elimination is just unfair. OK I shall add on some more of this entry in the evening later. Till then, cyas!

Evening.... just after the 2nd Diari.

Dear Astro,

The Sparkle is GONE. It has been murdered by that announcement - only FOUR will be in the finals. Well done Astro, you have successfully demoralized the spirits of the innocent souls that has been giving their best for the past 9 weeks. They have made you tremendously rich and if this was just another one of your clever devices of propaganda, then it is simply heartless.

I'm guessing you'd probably play on the sad closing episode of the Diari tonight. You might play the angel and say due to the overwhelming request of the masses and that for your love of the students, you will announced that there will be no elimination tomorrow night or overturn the announcement. Joy & jubilation for all but deep in your scheeming minds, you have had all this scripted and planned.

You've played on the emotions of all. I'm sure everyone is sadden just by looking how the determined souls that is now left in your full control, is not at rest. And by that note, I will say that you have made AF3 an awful mess.

Ok, I apologize for getting emotinal people, but I just cant help it. If this was a build up to another kezutan, then it is really in bad taste. So lets just see how it goes. Lets just hope the concert tomorrow night will end in good faith for all. Good night & rest well.

Thursday, July 28, 2005
Double elimination this week!

So do you guys really think Astro would really let there be 4 students for the AF3 final? I dont believe so. As I said before, theres a twist to this kezutan. I mean look at the past AFs, atleast 5 students are selected. And is it logical that Astro would wanna lose out on the thousands of extra votes that a particular student can generate if they are selected for the finals? Surely 5 students will generate more voted than just 4 students. Who wouldnt want that extra money right? I'm not sure how much they've made this season but I think it might not be as much as last year when us Bruneians were able to vote. So again I ask, do you think they dont want to exceed what they've achieved last year? Remember, they are after all running a business and this could be just simply another business strategy.

Four students for the finals. Four. Wouldnt that be an anti-climax? Some might say its the battle of the best students, but if it was...

Mawi, Felix, Yazer & Kefli - I know the odds on this are quite high but hey, you cant admit it that its not possible. But I dont think its any fun watching this all-guys final right? The ratings would go down with this one as I'm sure lots of Amyleas' & Marshas' fans would be turn/pissed off to even bother to watch it. If this happen, I would predict Felix to win because he would be gettiing angry votes (thats a new one huh?) from the supporters of Marsha & Amylea. Or those fans would probably vote for Kefli just to mess-up the show and make a mockery of AF3 by letting someone who was anticipated to leave from the very first week, winning the show!

Amylea, Mawi, Felix & Marsha - The most likely choice by many. Some say it will be the battle of the best. I think not as someone in there - if based on talent and consistency - is not supposed to be there at all. But this will be a popular choice and I'm sure pleasing for Astro. These for people can generate the most votes. I see a predictable outcome for this though. It doesnt take a genius to guess who will win the title.

Yazer, Marsha, Kefli & Amylea - The chances of this is maybe like finding a needle in a haystack. I see this as more of a fair competition. These people are in a close range of %. It wont make it a popular final obviously and Asto would be loosing hundreds and thousands of votes. Fans of Mawi & Felix will surely condemn Astro and allegations of votes tempering will be the main attack on Astro. This will probably led into a public enquiry. Silly you say but it could happen.

Amylea or Marsha, Mawi, Felix & Yazer or Kefli - It will be a dull show to see just one lady perform. The result again would be predictable. This is probably the most likely line up for the final IF theres no other kezutan.

So as you can see, where Mawi is involved, I've already predicted that he will win the title hands down. Even if Mawi is not included but Felix is around, the result will be predictable too! Rizanasa said there could be an AFMASUK but I very much doubt it. I dont think Astro wants to use that old format and plus they know that is what people would be expecting. So consider this point, why do you think they would announce all this 3 days before the concert? Why not just do it as a kezutan in the 9th concert? Here is another silly thought but worth to ponder, eliminate two but two AFMASUK for any of the eliminated students. So lets say Marsha was eliminated this saturday, she can still be saved by AFMASUK. But I dont think Akma's fans will see it fair if Idayu was taken back instead. The debate will be endless.

I see this kezutan as Astro trying to cause panic to the audience which will in turn motivate them to vote more to save their favourites. This is probably also to steer the perception of many fans that they will not be any elimination this week. I'm sure Astro do not want people to think as such because that would slow down the voting traffic. As for the point that only four students would equal to a problem of filling the time slot, I dont think that would be much of an issue. They can always call those ex-students and even those that had left after the prelude concert to perform during the final concert.

Well I'm sure everyone has a speculation of their own about this matter, so I'll be glad to hear it from you guys. I'm still hoping they will be just one elimination and that would be of Kefli. Mawi, Marsha, Amylea, Felix & Yazer will be just fine for the final concert. Ok I think I'll leave it at that, if we were to speculate more, sampai bila pun tak mau habis *hehe*. Cya!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Akma & Felix sitting by the tree, K I S S I N G! Hahahaha....

*Hehe* Ampun beribua ampun fans of Felix & Akma. Jangan marah ok? Was just trying to liven up the mood. But I'm sure ada yang suka right?

So just a little more on that issue of Marshas' change of song. As I said before, I've read in a certain discussion board that this issue was seen as Astro memanjakan Marsha. Its as if Marsha also has a say on what she wants or do not want to sing. Childish thoughts indeed. It is apparent that it was Sham saying they are having technical difficulties with the song. Its a lame excuse I know, especially coming from a professional musician. You are losing your credibility with that statement mate. Like I said, its probably a legal issue that could be costly to AF in the long run. Anyways, I'm sure Marsha would be able to take on the new song just nicely. But should she be eliminated (mudah-mudahan lah tidak kan) this week, this issue will be picked on even more. Ofcourse, sensibly, a song shouldnt be blamed for somones exit.

I guess lots of people probably watched that Mawi debate last night on that Linda show. Over at Mawi camp, they claimed victory. I really dont wanna comment more about it as I feel its useless. He is not out in the real world, so to assumed his potentials is just unfair to him. Here is a guy who is just still at a learning stage but has been given so much resposibility as a role model for millions already. Its like telling a new born baby what he/she must achieved as he grows. Give it a rest please. All those people who was on his side last night stands a good chance of profitting from Mawis' success, no matter how much one would say they're there to help. Money will play a big role in it. Even the Prof could benefit, write a book about Mawi and he'll sell it like hot cakes. Ofcourse the ultimate winner is always Astro, good or bad, theres always money to be made from Mawi.

Anyways, below is an interesting excerpt from an article where M. Nasir is being interviewed about AF3.

Q: So what do you think of AF now that you're part of the team?

A: I went in there with a mission. I wanted to bring the students to a certain level and I was really raring to go. But then I realised that I can't be too ambitious. They come from different backgrounds, with different ways of thinking. Lately, I've been telling myself "Yeah, right, so you want to show people that you can do it? Hah... let's see how you do it then". Well, what do you know? Instead of them (the students), I'm the one who's being challenged! Read more about it

And here is what Akma has to say about Felix...

"Apa orang luar nak cakap (peminat) tentang hubungan kami, itu pendapat mereka. Bagi saya sendiri, selalu bercerita dan mengambil berat antara satu sama lain membuatkan kami mesra".

"Dan Felix merupakan seorang yang boleh membuatkan saya ketawa apabila saya mempunyai masalah,'' katanya tanpa berselindung. Go
HERE for more.

Theres other things which I would like to touch about but somehow see it as useless to comment upon.....like how the religion factor is dictating the % chart at the moment. Oh well, lantak lah korang *hehe*. Tonight is another stay-in night, mainly because its CSI 2 hours Quentin Tarantino season finale. Blog ya later peeps!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005
All system go for the final elimination! (Updated!)

Lagu Baru Individu

Yazer - This Love (Maroon 5) - By the looks of it, he'll aced this one. He looks so comfy and confident performing it last night in the Diari. He is back to his usual buffet line.

Kefli - Tak Tahu (Adam AF2) - Now this I really wanna see. Will we see Adam dropping by to teach him how to rap? Why not we just ask Mawi to do it instead, would be much fun right? I expect a concert kezutan for this.

Mawi - Pergi Tak Kembali (Rabbani) - Well what can I say? I'm sure his fans are over the moon that they've finally got their wish. They are probably more happy than Mawi about this. If he messes up this one pun, then I'd be even more speechless. This song alone is enough for him to claim the title of AF3 champion. Kalau orang lain kena this song with this kind of title, gerenti out punyer!

Marsha - These Boots Are Made For Walking (Nancy Sinatra). Love this song. Once Marsha got her lyrics n tempo right, her royal sexyness will have no problem nailling this song. Currently hot in the charts by Jessica Simpson, the video is worth the download! Oh below, you can hear 3 different version/genre of it! Are we good or are we GOOD huh?! UPDATE 04:40 PM: MARSHA ASSIGNED A NEW SONG. Yes thats correct, she is now going to be singing an old song by Khatijah Ibrahim - Ku Pendam Sebuah Duka. The reason for changes was that according to Sham Kamikaze, they are having problems with the arrangements. I dont quite buy it really, I'm sure they are talented enough to handle that song or even get a minus one for it from the publishers. So I'm guessing they have not been given rights for that song or probably its a royalties issue?

Felix - Anak (Freddie Aguilar) - A song that I first heard in Tagalog and I think I managed to hafal half of it. An all time favourite karaoke number too *hehe*. Felix will be playing acoustic guitar for this song which could even solidify his credibility as an all round entertainer - more than Mawi. O oh, there goes the war sirens for the Mawi fans, cepat! cepat! vote lagi! *hehe*

Amylea - Gemilang (Jaclyn Victor) - Well Amylea might not have the high tones of Jac but I'm sure she'll just totally give a different feel to this song in her own way. I've been told Jac will be making an appearance to the Akademi to share some tips with Amylea...... yeah right! As if Malaysian Idol would help out a rival show huh? But then again we never know....

Lagu Bonus
Perempuan - Medley Jerat Percintaan (Siti Nurhaliza), Bunga-Bunga Cinta (Misha Omar), Tangisan Dalam Kerinduan (Farah AF2) dan Gubahan Rindu Puisi Syahdu (Fauziah Latif)
Lelaki - Medley Ghazal Untuk Rabiah (Jamal Abdillah dan Nasir), Apokalips (M.Nasir), dan Ekspres Rakyat (Kembara)

Well I guess on the whole everyone agrees that this is probably the best selection of songs for an AF concert. I hope they can top this slections for the finals though, otherwise it'll just be an anti-climax. We can probably tell who is gonna win it for this session, so all we can hope for the finals are better songs and maybe special kezutans. As usual, the place to be if you wanna read about speculations (or you just wanna have a laugh) is to visit the MawiFC.com discussion board. Well this morning, someone posted in a-matter-of-fact manner that he/she has been contacted by someone from Astro saying that they will be no elimination for concert 9! All 7 will be taken into the finals! Crap? Probably. It makes me laugh reading it as this person was like serious habis! *hehe*

As I'm writing this, Mawi is leading Felix by 13%. So I think no matter how the votes might be reflushed by the end of every concert, I dont think anyone will be able to catch up with him. Kefli is still dwelling in his usual bottom spot but if its something we've learn for this AF3, it is that we must not count out the person who is down, especially if its Kefli. His likely victims for concert 9 are Amylea, Marsha & Yazer. And with the song given to him this time around, probably some Adam fans will be voting for him too! Oh well theres so much speculations to cover. Lets just see how the week goes. Cya!

Sunday, July 24, 2005
Concert 8 - Sayonara Akma

And irony dealt another death card for a talented young girl and saving again the one student almost everyone anticipated to leave. Its another sad result which I'm betting will happen again next week. I bet the odds are all good for Kefli to be in the final now.

Ok I'm sorry to end it here for now, I got other pressing matters to attend to. So stay tuned, be back in a few hours time with a full review of last nights concert.

2 hours later.....

Ok I'm back! So here goes my unprofessional review of Concert 8. The Hindustani style intro is nice. It made me smile to see everyone really getting into character. The most natural ofcourse is Amylea. I think every single one of them has the looks to star for a Bollywood movie. One thing spoiling all this, which caught my eye instantly, is their wardrobe! Some were just hideous! The stylist ought to be shot in the eyes - with a double barrel cannon! Anyway, I'll touch more on that as we go along.

The critics tonight is Kudsia, Yasmin Ahmad (award winning director of Sepet) & Syafinaz who looks lovely in pink.

The show started off with a bonus song instead of the usual display of current standings. Ladki Badhi Anjanee Hai was executed very nicely. It was fluid and nicely controlled despite the many troubles we've see them practising it in the Diari. Amylea gave a lil more oomph to the song with her solo dance routine. She handled it like a pro. Mawi going down to dance with the female tutors was a good touch too. For me, its the best bonus song performance so far. I'm giving it a 4.85/5. Kudsia was ecstatic about it. Yasmin said they've all exceeds her expectations. Syafinaz enjoyed it despite the students singing over a pre-recorded voice. Hello beb? They've got one week ok? You know they have to learn the dance steps for it and most importantly focus on their individual performances, and you expect them to know the words and sing a rather lengthy Indian song too? Give them credit please. Well I'm glad Aznil snapped back nicely at Syafinaz saying that atleast the students are singing over their own voice instead of other peoples' like in those Bollywood movies.

Ok so the standings were as below;

Mawi 27%, Felix 20%, Akma 13%, Marsha 12%, Amylea 12%, Yazer 10% & Kefli 7%

No suprise, its been like the from the start of the week.

Marsha is first to open the show. Her outfit is just ok. Last night, on TV, it sounded like her voice doesnt have the dynamics for this song. But hearing it again now, she actually did sounded just right for this song. Its no easy song but she did quite alright. Her vocals were definately fully challenged last night. Kudsia liked it. Yasmin said she couldnt get a feel of the song. Syafinaz said Marsha has improved tremendously and thought her voice throwing *hehe* was good. I'm giving it a 4.35/5.

Kefli was up next. His outfit were just tasteless. His song is all about Kembara, which I take to be the song of a drifter. So cant they give a more rugged nomad look? Sheessh! Anyway, I guess the clothes wont do any good to his colorless vocals. He was indeed covering every inch of the stage but hearing him now and also last night, I still think he is shouting most of the time. He does look comfy on stage. Kudsia said he redeemed himself with that performance. What for last week or the further back? I dont think so. Yasmin said he was brilliant and full of confidence. Ok I think brilliant is a lil bit too much really but hey, shes the professional right? Syafinaz said he needs to improve his notations(?), dont frown and shout so much. 2.5/5.

Then it was the moment of truth for Yazer to prove to everyone he can do a pop r'n'b ballad. I think he did quite ok. His low tones were still shaky and he sounded so controlled trying to hide that rock element, maybe. He had no problem with the chorus & bridge which was laced nicely with his husky vocals. Yasmin agreed with me on this part. Syafinaz said his first verse was flat and asked him to apply more vocal techniques next time. I cant quite recall what Kudsia said, I think something about him managing not to make it sound like a rock song. Oh and his outfit, the 3rd most hideous of the night. He is singing a romantic ballad for gods sake, cant he be dressed in a swanky suit? 3.5/5.

Next was Mr. Whirll ( I think thats the correct word for it). Again, hideous outfit - 2nd spot of the night. They made Mawi looked like a scruffy mechanic ready to act in Spanar Jaya (no I dont follow this series). Anyways, his performance is probably his best so far. Did they drop a key for this song? Just asking ok, please dont fire back. Theres a few sliding here and there and occasionally the nasyid lenggok rears its head. He needs to have a proper stance, how he did it last nite was just awkward. This was agreed by Syafinaz who also highlighted his diction and authenticity(?). Kudsia liked his expression while Yasmin said it was the most honest performance. 4.25/5.

Akma came next for what is now her last performance in the race to finals of AF3. She has done well so far despite her being highlighted as not having the X-factor. I dont think she'll enroll to the police academy anytime soon really, if she does, girl you can use your handcuffs on me anytime! *hahaha* But seriously, Akma has the potentials to be a recording artist. And Akma dear, if people still insist on the X-factor, go find some backing vocals and then call the group Akma & The X-Factor! *kekeke* Anyways, her performance was suprisingly good. Her geleks and gyrations were convincing despite her innocent girl-next-door image. Last night, her voice sound tenggelam (seriously I think the mic needs to be checked) on TV, but hearing her again now, she sounded even better despite moving a lil bit faster than the tempo on one part of the song. Kudsia said she her gyrations was probably how Beyonce would look like doing a dangdut song. Yasmin said she is unpretentious which is also meant honest in some ways. And also something about jamban, can someone highlight to me about that? Maklum lah saya ni orang muda! *hehe* Syafinaz said it was a good try, asked her stop tapping her fingers on the mic and the rest was some vocal professional lingo that I didnt quite remember. Her kezutan was when Ramlah Ram came on stage and gave the master version of the song, the rest of the students joined her as if tis another bonus song. 4.15/5. For Akma that is.

Then theres was some flower giving session. The ladies were called out, each given a bouquet of roses(?). Anyway, then their mum was called on stage. Akma gave hers to her mum. Marsha to her sister since her mum is not around and Amylea to his dad as her mum couldnt make all this while to the concerts because she isnt feeling well. I guess everyone was a bit clueless about this. Mothers day has long passed so whats the point? And also why only the female students? Anyway, it was all touching and it was ofcourse a Premier moment, especially for Amylea. I thought this was just a paid advert by the florist but I guess it was a build-up for the kezutan below.

And she was next. I dont know how this girl can control herself emotionally after all that, Amylea is just a pro. *Tabik spring* as you Malaysians would say. Well, the moment the music started, she already kicked-in into a wonderfully weird movement. She certainly put her own style into it and the same goes for the singing. She is no Ella clone, her vocal dynamics were just original. Miss Consistency does it again. And her kezutan, at the end of her performance when her mum walked out from behind was another teary moment. If you cant felt the emotion, then I'm sorry, you're simply heartless! *hehe* That must be the best feeling for Amylea, seeing her after so many weeks apart and the mum even belted out a verse from the song her daughter just sang! Now we know where she got the talent huh? Mummy & daughter album duet soon? You can bet on it! Her dad was called on stage bringing the flowers again and then passed it to Amylea to give it to her mum. So dats what the flower giving thingy is all about huh? Ok so anyway after all that she had to face the critics. Kudsia said she is dumbfounded on how Amylea can find such strength in her performance despite the many difficulties/emotions she faced. She said Amylea is truly unique, then she went on about not to forget her roots once she gets popular and so on. Yasmin put it simply as "the master of your own voice". Syafinaz said she is most consistence of all students and she looked comfy on stage. And she even confirmed that Amylea is beautiful and also told her not to cry a lot. 4.5/5.

Felix. OH MY GOD! why in the name of all that is good he is dressed that way!? I forgive the hair but neck below certainly won the MOST HIDEOUS OUTFIT award of the night! Seriously they made him looked like a transvestite! Sheessh! Anyway, before he sang, Aznil again tried to emphasize on his apology towards the monkey joke he played on him the last concert. Felix made light of it really and even joked more about it. I seriously think he didnt take it to heart. We were also shown the clip where he and Akma were holding hands going up the stairs. That was just really funny and sweet at the same time. I tell ya', no matter where he goes, he'll never make an enemy because he is just sweetly goofy and an all fun guy. His aura was just mesmerizing and blinding. As for his performance, I could have simply give a 5/5 for his feel and stage presence. But vocally it was a disaster. This is like Smooth part two. Felix always managed to make his antics compensate his vocals shortcomings. As much as Kudsia said he hit the right note, I would have to agree with Syafinaz that it was not and he was merely shouting them out. Yasmin said he was effortless and confirmed that she wants him in her next movie - which I can guarantee will be a boxoffice hit, especially over this side of the ocean. Syafinaz comments were met with boos but hey it was honest. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. In the words of Ali G, Respecta! 3/5.

And that was it. The other bonus song was next, Seri Langkat. Mawi & Akma sounded so right for the song, maybe this could be their forte. Yasmin said she was mesmerized. Kudsia said she didnt want to see any of them leave tonight and Syafnaz applauded their unity and told Mawi to take dancing lessons.

I guess no need for me to go on about how the elimination goes as we know who left already. This was how the standings were when voting was closed;

Mawi 23%, Felix 19%, Amylea 15%, Yazer 12%, Kefli 11%, Marsha 10% & Akma 10%

Gosh! it could have been Marsha! I'm sure if she is lost this early, Astro would be losing out on a lot. So again, the bottom dweller claimed another unsuspecting victim. Being on the third spot before a concert starts aint so good for this AF3 session huh? Its just some freaky conincidence ofcourse. Akma will be missed, probably more by Felix *hehe*. I wont so much go into the Imbasan as I didnt watch it but I know the Sifu of AF bloggin, Sultan Muzaffar was in the hot seat. Good on ya matey! I'll catch it later on dvd and maybe comment a bit more later too. Till then, cya!


Credits: ydotcom for the flash slideshow.

Saturday, July 23, 2005
Tak de makna nyeeee?

Marsha: "Mawi.. kalau Mawi dapat no. 1 nanti, juara akademi fantasia, Mawi nak bawak sape pegi Paris?"

+Felix gelakkan Mawi sambil Mawi gelak2 malu.

Marsha: "Kalau boleh... I pun nak ikut" (fuyoo... ada hati tu)

+Felix nyampuk, sambil Abg Asrul gi betulkan mic Mawi

Felix: "Kalau boleh , I pun nak tumpang gak, boleh tak?" (gelak2 je Mawi)

LOL. This is just some of the saucy extracts from AliSejuk's AF Xtended Blog. Theres so much to read in there and its all fun! Well maybe not for the Mawi fans who is anti-Marsha *hehe*. But overall, from what I've read, finally the students are comfy with eachother and are more candid in their conversations. Marsha is such a flirt! *Ehem* Marsha, look this way please *hehe*.

Anyway, its time for another elimination. Like Elkapitan, I've given up on forecasting who will be leaving. If the charts were to be taken into consideration, the two people on shaky grounds are Yazer & Kefli. But as irony has it for this past few weeks, that doesnt mean its a sure ticket out. Are we in for another kezutan tonight? I do hope not. As of now, I will be satisfied if the 5 for the final concert are Marsha, Akma, Amylea, Felix & Mawi. Thos girls deserved their spot. Yazer has been good but he in a way has quite an easy route with songs of his forte, except for tonight ofcourse.

I'm looking forward to Akmas' performance tonight. I really hope she will really gelek like Inul (Daratista) would. And it would be an added bonus if Mawi is to support her! I'm also eager how the rest perform, especially Marsha, Amylea, Mawi & Yazer as they have got some really challenging songs to handle. Kefli has been given a safe song and if he messes it up but still survive, then I would be simply speecheless.

Oh, this not AF related but I'm quite suprised that one of Top 15 referers to this site is actually my personal blog! Gosh! I havent updated that site for ages. Only recently have I made some template adjustments to it. Anyway, if you have time, do drop by. Try and click on the Pornolize link and then type in the url of this blog. It'll then generate an adult & offensive version of this blog!

Anyway, I'm off. Lets hope its a good exit tonight. Have fun watching the concert!

p.s. I might do some live blogging tonight.

Have you VOTED for DahDemam. No? Then do so HERE! *hehe*

Thursday, July 21, 2005
Spice It Up!

Hmmm..... whats next.... honestly I'm trying to stay away from commenting more on the fanatical ways of Mawi fans are idolizing him. But its not worth it, they are also human and mistakes are common when sentiments get in the way. Besides, it would be counted as mengumpat if I do so.

Undoubtedly though, this aint a good week for Mawi's legion of supporters. With the % of the other students catching up slowly to Mawi, Astro again has been accused of manipulating the votes. Then theres that article in Harakah which was received with fury in the discussion board. The day before yesterdays Diari also showed CSH pushing Mawi while coaching him. Looks harsh but if anyone read the Xtended Diari reports on AliSejuks' Blog, theres even a lengthy clip of CSH showing compasion and concentrating a lot of time to coach Mawi. Ofcourse that is taken as her trying to get back on the good side of his fans for her rudeness of pushing him. And theres also a segment from the Xtended Diari where Mawi was asked to lift Akma but he refused. If the report was to be believed, Amylea & Kefli even suggested to Linda Jasmine to change the routine because Mawi is not so used to that kind of thing!? And lastly as I highlighted in the last post, his Dewa song.

Spicy eh? Lets see what comes of it. I'm sure we'll be hearing more about it. As of now, on the charts, Akma is going strong in the 3rd spot with 14%, if I'm not mistaken, the highest achieved by any female AF3 students so far. Kefli is with the lowest but that is not necessarily a bad omen, especially for this Houdini boy. Yazer is the only other guy with a single digit %. His tough Vince number aint helping much too. We can see he is really struggling to tone his voice into the pop r'n'b mode of the song. Some are happy finally he aint given a song of his forte as for all this while the say he is fed too well already with easy songs.

Amylea kinda worried me with her voice. She isnt feeling well and has been, correct me if I'm wrong, coughing blood. Oh dear, that doesnt sound good especially since the viral sickness is in the air. My question is, what if say Amylea or Felix suddenly looses their voice come concert time? Mudah-mudahan lah tidak kan but this is for the sake of arguement lah ok. Is there a paragraph in the terms and condition of their participation in AF3 that says if they failed or werent able to perform in the weekly concert that they will be automatically eliminated? I hope someone can shed a light on this issue. Any Astro people in the house? *hehe*

As for Marsha, we havent seen much of her practising her song. But she has been shown helping out Mawi tuning his vocals for his number. Indeed I agree with some comments that said Mawi looked relaxed with Marsha rather than with CSH. Obviously so especially with a cute person like Marsha! *hahaha* Oh you guys know what I mean lah, malas nak elaborate....

And so that comes to an end of this rather dull entry *hehe* I'll sign off with this rather spankingly cool vector graphic of Marsha from MarshaFC.com. They will be printing this on t-shirts, so I'm looking forward to own such a cool artwork design. Click on the pic to visit the offical site of Marsha fanclub.

VOTE for DahDemam! Its FREE! *hehe*

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
New week, New leader.

And we move on without Ekin onboard. I didnt actually get to watch the Diari but reading from Elkapitan's blog, its obvious she is missed especially by the girls and probably by Yazer on the guys behalf *hehe*. I doubt it if theres anything going on with Yazer & Ekin, it seemed so brother-sisterly with them. The chemistry aint really visible right? Or probably they are just good at hiding it?

At the start of this week, Yazer has been elected as Ketua Pelajar, replacing Mawi. This will surely not go well with his fans. I agree this is kinda odd, we have never had any change of Ketua Pelajar in any of the past AF and also why now at the later stage is there such changes. Is this so that the attention will be on Yazer who is currently second last on the chart? Will this be a rotational thing? Or is this passed on to students whom the Principal deemed to have performed well in the previous concert? Something worth to ponder indeed.

No doubt Yazer performed better in the last concert than Mawi. I dont buy excuses saying thats because Mawi isnt given a song that is makanan dia. He is on top so he has to prove his versatility in out-performing anyone else who has an easy song. But then again, Yazers' performance wasnt the better one last week, well not for me lah ah. I think its both Marshas & Amyleas. Or are the girls not eligible for the post? Anyway, I hope we do get to see some reasoning for all of this soon.

As of this moment, this is how the standings are;

Mawi 28%, Felix 20%, Akma 12%, Marsha 11% Amylea 11%, Yazer 9% Kefli 8%.

I'm sure everyone agrees when I say Kefli is in the right spot. But then again its in that spot, for the past few weeks that he has found shelter from wrath of the elimination process. So I dont think its anything to be happy about. For all we know, his next victim would be the current 3rd runner, Akma. I think this is the highest position shes ever been. All the girls in the running now has had a seat in that position and so far is all safe. Yazer is on shaky grounds, maybe his fans has stopped voting so that he can join Ekin instead? *hehe* Jangan mareee ehhh gang rocksteady ;P

As for Mawi, I'm still confident he will lead the pack to the very last concert and probably just run away with the title. I know some would say its a premature thing to call but according to my gut feeling (unprofessional ofcourse), its gonna be him who will be driving that orange Suzuki Swift and taking that trip to Europe...... whichI think he should runding with the tour operators to change it to a package Umrah instead. I'm sure lots of his fans, whos never had a thought about going to Umrah brfore would love to join his flight eh? Cruel? I dont think so, theres bound to be such souls. Like it or not, Mawi has no doubt opened the eyes of many with his presence so far, for wrong or right, wallahualaklam.

And so I'll leave you all today with the list of song assignments for this weekend and some bits of comments from moi about it.

Songs for Concert 08

Kefli - Hati Emas (M. Nasir)
Is he being thrown a lifeline? Its this song another savior? Probably.... A song that I like to kill my friends with at any public karaoke joint *hehe*. A no-brainer but knowing Kefli....

Marsha - Cobalah Untuk Setia (Kris Dayanti)
This song needs some strong vocals. So her whispery soft tone needs to go for a work-out or some yoga vocals to cover those high notes.

Mawi - Pupus (Dewa)
An Indon song for Mawi. Interesting. One of my favorite Dewa numbers. He has to be careful with the tempo and be able to flow with the melody. And then theres the quite challenging chorus and bridge bit. I'm looking forward for his rendition this weekend. Oh look into MawiFc.com discussion board, ada mention pasal Dewa Pejuang Yahudi! And read this reactions; "...patut la mawi susah nak hafal lagu...." "ALLAH HU AKBAR..tolonglah bagi semua org tahu email ini, terutamanya sifu m nasir kita...ada cara tak ?" "kepada sesiapa yg berkenaan sila maklumkan pada ASTRO / tenaga pengajar tentang hal yg memang gila...ya allah lindungi lah MAWI....." Curious? Read about the email HERE, its validity is questionable like the usual email layang. My question, why wasnt there so much hoohaa when Reza sang a Dewa song back then?

Akma - Selamat Jalan Romeo (Ramlah Ram)
Obviously she has no problem with the song. She just needs to borrow some of Marsha's getekness and not be so conservative with her lenggok/gelekness.

Felix - Hukum Karma (Wings)
One of my favorite Wings numbers. I guess if his throat is still hurting by saturday, we'll be hearing lots of falsetto from him huh? I do hope he recovers soon as I would like to see him go all out on this one.

Amylea - Dua Insan Bercinta (Ella)
Finally a rock ballad for this rock-by-nature babe. Not so much of a challenge really but it'll be interesting to see what difference she can bring to it. Kezutan Ella in the Diari or at the Concert? Hope so.

Yazer - Mengapa Harus Cinta (Vince)
He doesnt look comfy with it. Obviously as this song is written specifically for Vince range & style of voice. Yazer has his work cut-out here. Finally a song not his makanan. I'm looking forward for this though, if he can do a Vince-a-la-rock mode, then he'll be gold for the finals.

Bonus Song - Seri Langkat (Jamal Abdillah & Amelina) and Ladki Badi Anjani Hai (OST Kuch Kuch Hota Hai)
Should be fun to watch. I hope they are all better coordinated this time around.


VOTE for DahDemam! Its free! *hehe*

Saturday, July 16, 2005
Concert 7 - Goodbye Ekin.

Ok, keriangan ini di bawa secara langsung from my bedroom! *hehe*

The show starts with Aznil doing the usual greetings. Thanks for welcoming us Buneians Nil.

The 8 students came out as usual. This time military style. Captain Mawi reporting calling out his troops. Marching out bringing out the Malaysian flags. Good touch, I like it. Aznil got into the act giving commands too. Maju dada was good! The sexy kan diri even hilarious! Especially Felix & Mawi - posing habis! I guess they've got time to kill and it was fun to watch them introducing themselves that way. The only bit that wasnt quite right (to me) was Akma & Kefli doing it in Japanese tone while holding the Malaysian flags. Amusing but probably not for those who experinced the Japanese occupation of Malaya back then.

The standings are as follows;

Mawi 28%, Felix 21%, Marsha 10%, Amylea 10%, Akma 9%, Yazer 8%, Ekin 8% & Kefli 7%

No suprise.

Kudsia is back in her usual seat. Zainal Alam Kader & S Atan joining her on the critics seat. Clip of Fuad wishing his pals the best was shown before we went into a break.

On with the show;

Kefli - Baby pics of his colleague were shown and he was asked to guess. He did badly. It was Ekin but I guess it wasnt easy to guess. Ekin is just so cute as a baby! And then Kefli started. It was a week one. I dont wanna touch about diction but his voice is just too soft and he is being too careful. Just got an SMS from my bestfriend, she said Kefli just destroyed her song. And rightly so, he is almost out of breathe and forgetting his lyrics too. I think this his worst performance so far. Kudsia highlighted his pitching despite weeks being in the Akademi. Alam said Kefli seems to enjoy the show but is saved by his cuteness (?). S Atan said he is mumbling and at times monotonous. 2/5.

Akma- Teased by Aznil if she's had any "vibes" with any of the guys, especially Mawi & Felix. She denied so. Clips of them makan2 were shown. Didnt quite get it. Akma is looking excellent as usual. The mood is set. Stage darkened and the spot light on her. But somehow it fails to be captivating. Felix comes into frame backing her up. Her vocals are as usual crispy and clear. Not much of a challenge this song is. I think the bridge saved the performance, she holding Felixs' hand and then him gettng on his knees got cheered a lot. Kudsia said she is slowly getting her X-factor. Alam said Akma should take risk and not to play so safe. S Atan said her performance was dashyat (read: outstanding) and coming from someone who is an established figure in the music industry, Akma should feel proud. 4/5.

Clip of Idayu saying that she supports Felix & Akma was shown before the break. I'd like to know the necessity of this clips now, somehow it aint looking so good.

Amylea - She looks so cute in the Kebaya, she would fit in the 60's era movies just nicely. She was asked to guess another baby pics. She guessed right, its Kefli. Datin Orkid is in the audience, a lil pressure on her maybe. She started off good. Her voice is just so right for the song. Her vocals lenggok was just nice but she seemed a bit stiff staying in one spot and only occasionally doing her dance routine. But otherwise, she sounded really good and her consistency shows. Kudsia says shes a pleasure to watch, theres nothing she can see wrong. Alam said gazal is his bread and butter and was doubtful if she could handle but he admitted said she pulled it off well and added that the only person she is competiting with now is herself. S Atan said her performance is like a pro, not a student and only told her to be more adventerous with her vocals. 4.3/5.

Yazer - New haircut. Aznil asked why a person with a rock persona would go for a dangdut person like Ekin. Then Aznil said he has some pure rockers to introduce to him. Some bikers came in and one went on stage, she is obviously a girl. It was a good kezutan, when she took off her helmet, it was MAS of AF2! Then Mas & Yazer exchanged some words and also about dueting for a song. Ok his performance - as usual his stage presence is good. Confidence level is not quite an issue with him. It was an enjoyable performance, it must've sounded good live. Mas joined during the music break headbanging in her own style. I think Yazer will be a good live performer, he just needs some stamina. The crowd gave a good cheer. And the best kezutan of the night is obviously for him. All along the guy dancing on stage wearing a helmet was his dad! Father & son screaming out "Rock steady!" was just cool. And then Yazers' dad gave a letter to Aznil which was actually for Ekin! Oooooo nice! Kudsia asked if that was his best performance? He said he wasnt satisfied but Kudsia said she is. Alam said Yazer dad is much more handsome than Yazer, kiddingly. He like his performance. S Atan said a rock number aint easy to handle but he said Yazer should learn to control the mic Overall he did good. 4/5.

Reza next saying Kefli & Amylea is his choice to be in the finals. Oh man, just stop those clips! Break time.

Ekin - She looks adorable! Aznil gave her the letter that was handed to him by Yazer's dad. She is asked to guess another baby pic, it is obviously Akma. Then the letter was read by Aznil. It was basically from Yazers' mum asking Ekin to take good care of her son! Sweet! More on it later. Didnt started out so tidy but then that big voice came out and her voice control became steady a bit. Ekin needs more training on handling the lower notes because at times those bits seemed pitchy. Its not such a wow performance but was quite captivating in some ways. The backing vocals were excellent too. I think this is the most we've heard of Ekin's big voice since her song in the prelude concert. I just dont like the title, too haunting. Kudsia said her low tone was good, so merdu. Alam said she started shaky and didnt agree with Kudsia with her low tone. S Atan said she's almost perfect and very good tonight! Wow! another high compliment. It worries me when I hear all this things, I hope history doesnt repeat itself again. 4/5.

Mawi - That clip of him saying he was actually just hoping to be a security guard at Astro will surely wins the heart of many again. Shows even more how much a humble person he is huh? Ok Mawi needs more dancing lessons. He looks funny standing still with his head bobbing a lil bit fast. And why is he standing still on one spot for almost the first bit of the song? He moved a bit during the music break but then assumed back the position. His vocals are the usual, I still fail to see why everyone see it as unique. It was a safe and average performance really. Kudsia said he can joget so he should venture more, his best performance yet, I agree. Alam said Mawi did good and has the scent of "world". S Atan said he should better his performance to justify his fans adoration. 3.75/5.

Amy supports Marsha & Akma. No comment. Break.

Felix - He walks weird with the tight pants *hehe*. Pics of chimpanzees were shown. How cruel. And then clip of Marsha cari kutu on his head! Hilarious! The arrangement of the music is orchestrical. Good call as this would let people focus on his vocals. But on certain bits it sounded quite awkward and makes as if Felix is out of tune. The chorus bit was particularly untidy and he seemd to be struggling to control his vocals. Its almost like an operatic version. I take back about the good call for the arrangements. Kudsia said he is playing safe inspite a good performance. Alam said he is one of the most talented as he has good voice control but he shouldnt control too much. S Atan sampaikan salam of his kids before commenting. He said too many falsetto in his voice but the control was good. 4/5.

Marsha - *sigh* She simply takes my breathe away! *hehe* The VE clip doing her Pokok Klapa song is just hilarious! I really laughed my head off! I will have that VE version on Mp3 for download from this blog tomorrow! Accompanied with real kedazan dancers, the pop-ish version is simply uplifting. Definately in her element, her voice was crystal clear with the mandatory lenggok that the song required. She even managed to slot in her usual sultry look. Aznil also joined her performance, tak mau rugi lah cik abang sorang tu! *hehe* As expected, parts of the song was in Bahasa and it sounded real good and fitting. Kudsia said she always manages to make an unsexy song sexy. Alam said he wants to hear more of her voice, this song is simply wasting her vocals. S Atan said something of the same manner, the song is not suitable for competition and its no challenge to her vocals and performance. Ditto! 4.3/5.

Bonus song - Probably the most anticipated performance tonight. And it was well worth the wait. The only glitch was with Felixs' & Mawis' mic, the sound tech guys fault obviously. It wasnt so much of a fluid performance. They still need to work on their coordination vocal wise. Good ending though. Kudsia was suprised to be asked to comment for the song. She said they all did much better than when they perform Menuju Puncak. Alam said it shows unity amongst them and it doesnt matter who wins or lose, they have all done well. S Atan said they are all good songers and performers. Then Aznil announced that the voting is closed. 4.5/5.

Aidil - Amylea & Felix.

We're back, Aznil is seated amongst those already eliminated. We also see Liza Fitri Linda Edlin & Nurul.

Menuju Puncak - AF3 version 8. Extra punchy with more clear vocals. I guess everyone is finally singing? *hehe* EE should be happy with it I guess. They sounded good, this is proabably the best version so far for this season and its only done by 8 sudents! They all looks so out of breathe though after that, lack the stamina huh?

Ok Aznil has started his usual talk to built the suspense and inject some intensity into the air. He highlighted the girls mostly as most of the guesses were on the girls to leave tonight. The dreaded bag made an appearance and Aznil has a look at the bag tag. He said its one of the girls. They are all already in a group hug and crying while giving words of encouragements amongst themselves. And then, the most heartbreaking news, to the people of Labuan, her fans and also definately for some Bruneians here. Ekin has to leave. I'm speechless. How ironic things are at times. The title of her song seemed to say it all. Kefli rides his luck again. She said her goodbyes to all and it was a tearfull one especially with the girls. Inspite of all the adversity we see amongst them, we can see how close they all are. Before she left, all the students had a chance to say their goodbyes. Some manages to bring smiles to the sombre mood, whoelse but Felix. Ekin was tearful inspite of her laughter thanking the audience for their support all this while.

I guess ya'll know how much I disagree with the results tonight. But its useless for me to rant & rave about it. I somehow had the feeling Kefli would be safe again. And I wouldnt be suprise if he is gonna be one of the finalist! And why not right? Oh well. I think I'll end my review here. A rather dull concert with another really disappointing result. I shall be back later to sharpen this review and also comments for Imbasan.

Ok I wont so much go into details. Cikgu Fati & Asrul was first to be interviewed and basically talked about the difference between AF1, 2 & 3. They talked about personality of the students and Cikgu Fati said that the audience shouldnt judge or preceive a students character from the 30mins Diari. True.

Then Ekin made her appearance. She talked about how she had a feeling that she would be leaving from the very moment she assigned the Maaf Kepergianku song. She also answered some calls. A lady said she saw in the Diari Ekin wasting time doing nothing instead of practising. I think during that clip it was their break time. And plus Ekin said, she needs a tutor to go through the songs so that she could handle the song properly. Theres also a call from Brunei which I rather wished didnt get through. Buat malu saja kalau takde proper comment or question lah. Then Ekins' sister call from Labuan. That was surely a tearfull moment.

One of the audience asked if theres anything between her and Yazer. She said none. So I guess all this while its just the normal Astro tease. Ekin doesnt seem to be able to talk properly throughout the ordeal. I think shes uncomfy and not so good with her bahasa. I think its because the Labuan slang is quite different. I bet Ekin probably could talk the Bruneian better, I'm saying so by the way she handled that rather awkward Bruneian caller.

This is how the standings were when voting was closed tonight;

Mawi 24%, Felix 20%, Amylea 11%, Marsha 10%, Kefli 9%, Yazer 9%,Akma 8% & Ekin 8%.

But as I checked on AF main site just as the Imbasan ends, this how the standing looks like as we move into new week;

Mawi 34%, Felix 20%, Marsha 13%, Kefli 12%, Amylea 9%, Akma 6% & Yazer 6%.

So anyone still doubting Mawi running away with the title or that Kefli seemed likely to be in the finals rather the likes of Akma, Amylea or Yazer?

Anyways, the show closes with Ekin singing Erti Cinta. She said she has forgotten the lyrics. She managed quite ok despite the skipping cd background. So teruk lah Astro not properly checking that disc, so unprofessional of them. Anyway, thats about all for Concert 7. Hope you guys had fun with it. Screencaps and songs from tonights performance will be uploaded hopefully in a few hours time.

Thanks for tunning in folks!

VOTE for DahDemam

Yeeehhaaa! Concert 7 here we go!

I'm sure most people tonight, with the exception of Kefli's fans, would find it acceptable for him to leave. He has been so inconsistence from the very start. He managed only to show one captivating performance and that was it. Some people would say Idayu should have been where he is now. I guess lady luck is still on his side.

Anybody else other than Kefli exiting tonight could make things spicier though. The ones also listed as potentials for elimination tonight are Ekin, Yazer & Akma. While Marsha & Amylea might seem safe, but they too could be the unlucky ones. I'm sure there'll be an uproar of dissatisfaction and anger amongst many, moi included if one of them had to leave. And it'll be no short of a freakish miracle if either Mawi & Felix are the ones to go! That'll surely be something to watch, Stadium Malawati could be in for a different kind of kezutan for sure from their fans if that happens.

Anyway, back to Kefli. I think he has been given some extra tution time but it seems he still lacks the confidence to just let it rip with the song. It wont be easy though as he himself is very conscious with his inability in his diction and voice control. He has done not well with the song. Tonight, when he sings that song, I will pretend that I've never heard of that song before. I'll listen and try to just forget about it instantly....and then listen to the original version for the rest of the night to flush away his version, IF he doesnt do well ofcourse. I'm sorry Kefli fans, I'm not hating him but thats how its evidently is. You guys gotta admitt he is lucky so far but with his inconsistency and suara sengau, he would be the right one to leave. Anyway, I see Kefli more of like those tv drama actors, I couldnt imagine him trying to survice as a recording artist.

As for the rest, I think they're quite comfortable with their songs. I'm hoping Ekin will redeem herself with a convincing performance. Marsha should be quite comfy too and I'm sure everyone is curious to know if parts of the song would be in Bahasa. Amylea could be pulling off another "Asmara"? I'm sure she'll do good too. Akma would be in her forte and the duet with Felix sounds just nice. Yazer is in his elements, its a big song and I'm sure he'll do the song good. As for Felix & Mawi I'm not sure what to say since I didnt get to watch them practise their song on the Diari. I'm watching less now and rather read the review by Elkapitan & Alisejuk.

For tonights concert, I'm not sure if I'll be doing any live blogging. I think I have a party somewhere to go too. Ok I'll leave it at that, here's hoping it'll be a good result for all.

Thursday, July 14, 2005
Well done WORLD!

Nothing much on the Diari lately, kinda suprising actually. I guess thats good news for some, atleast I dont have anything to nitpick about and wont be showing any outburst of emotions on matters that seems unnecessary.

I just wanna talk about the issue raised by klubbkidd on how many students will be there in the final. AF1 had 5 and AF2 was 6 due to AFMASUK. I dont think it matters really. Theres no need for Astro to try and keep people guessing about it when its all but too clear now that the WINNER OF AF3 is MAWI. I mean seriously, do you think people like Marsha or Amylea who has less than 10% vote is gonna beat someone who is leading by 20%? What logic can Astro explain to the audience if MAWI gets eliminated or do not win this season? The answer none, nadah, zilch, zero! His fan based and popularity is probably much bigger than any established artist in Malaysia now.

It'll be fun to see though if MAWI gets eliminated or lose this populartity contest. I wonder if the fanatiks can contain themselves from causing havoc or a riot, will we see Makcik Terlampau fainting and had to be carried to ER? I'm sure Astro knows what the consequences will be and I'm sure they are clever enough not to mess around with this issue. Maybe thats why they've been highlighting the shortcomings of other students and also playing cupid, its all simply to throw people off from the reality which is destined to be. Remember, I said "maybe".......

AF3 can be summed up in one word "WORLD!" Like it or not, thats the way it is.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Amylea healed. Ekin in the hot seat.

I dont think I really wanna go into details about this as you've probably read about the issue at SM's, Elkapitan's or Alisejuk's blog. As we know now, the drama of this week is on Ekin. She is now in the hot seat that Amylea was on last week. Now before I go on, let me just clarify that I'm not saying her behaviours so far are acceptable, I think we can establish that she's no angel insipte her innocent looks. Or that I'm being defensive since she has Bruneian roots in here. My issue here is with Astro and the Akademi.

Is it really necessary to bring out the issue to the public? What do they hope to achieve by showing this to the audience? We the viewers obviously cant do anything right? Theres no one benefitting from this issue other them themselves. As they potray the now not-so-tergempar tutors meeting, the clip of Ekin bitching with Marsha about the current top runners are just gonna incite more hatred from the fans of other students and also defensive (or is that pity?) voting from Ekin's fans. Instead of trying to better the image of AF3 which is really now like a soap opera and made worst by Amylea's episode last week, Astro is trying to taint the show with more scenes of unfriendlyness. Why cant they contain this issue and handle it behind the camera? I know some of you would say its a reality show, so everything should be shown, but mind you, we masyarakat melayu and especially our Islamic teachings has set the boundaries about issues such as potraying ones bad qualities yang dapat mengaibkan that persons' reputation. It seems like now, AF is like a no-holds-barred show and theres always only one winner, Astro. The tidals of SMS must be good last week but I predict this week Ekin will be a better income generator for Astro.

If you look at Diari from a different angle, in reality we are actually watching & hearing someone mengumpat. Think about that for a moment. See my point? Watching the Diari is like listening to someone telling a story about what some did or did not do. It is counted as mengumpat as the story is told behinds that persons' back. And in yesterdays Diari, Astro seolah membesar-besarkan lagi kekurangan Ekin. Ofcourse the students know they are being filmed but they do not know which parts of their behaviours are shown to millions. And as of last week, I think the Diari is more like a 30mins bitching session where some cheerful scenes were shown but was quickly overshadowed by the troubled student segment. This week I'm sure everyone is eager to see how they would confront Ekin about this. To Ekin fans, get ready your boxes of Premier tissue paper, its gonna be a bumpy ride for you guys and extra troublesome ofcourse to Ekin. Your votes will be counted as pity votes (eventhough you would like to say its more like motivational votes) if Ekin suddenly moves up the charts, but what the heck, everyone is doing it and you dont have to explain your reasons to vote, your money, your choice. Yes be fanatics, if you cant beat them, join them.

I agree with SM about that the principal shouldnt really meddle into little issues such as the accidental incident in a friendly game involving Ekin & Mawi. I mean if I trip you in the hallways at school, is that so serious enough for the matter to be brought to the principal? Ofcourse not, as we have prefects, class monitors or teachers to handle it. So its obvious some people in the Akademi are not doing their job. Its should've been handled by Hasrul but I guess he is too busy becoming a Mami Jarum in there trying to play a devilish lil cupid. He is ofcourse doing his job, he is just a puppet on a string who gets his command on his earpiece. Theres no one to blame for the current embarrassing state of AF other than the producers themselves. Its getting too much like wrestling program really, everything almost scripted. And its for this reason that people like JK has lost that loving feeling for AF. I'm at the juncture myself but I chose not to just throw in the towel. I started writing about AF3 a few weeks back so I see it as a responsibility to myself and to the others I wrote about to take it to the end. I owe it to the talented few who is still left in the Akademi, to support their journey and hopefully open the eyes of others on how much potentials those students have.

Ok, I'm getting all too mellow dramatic huh? Sorry but I like to see that as passion, if I dont have that I think it'll be useless and such a waste of time for me to have this blog. I know some would say just chill, its only a TV program. Well if it is just a normal TV program, then you wouldnt be spending your time in here and on other blogs just to read what people has to say about it right? Like it or not, you are hooked and very involved/consumed by AF. Anyways, I think for this week, whatever will be happening on the Diari, I'm hoping it'll be profiatble to the victim, percentage wise that is, as Astro will surely be making a bundle from that persons' misery. Again I say, Ekin is no angel but no one deserves their shortcomings being displayed and judged by millions the way it is shown in the Diari. Alrighty then, lets move along to a lighter note, the songs for concert 7 are as follows;

Akma - Bertahta Di Hati (Faradhiya)Felix - Fantasia Bulan Madu (Search)
Ekin - Maafkan Kepergianku (Ruth Sahanaya)Yazer - Nazraku (Spider)
Amylea - Penawar Rindu (Datin Orkid)Mawi - Oh Fatimah (A Ramlie)
Marsha - Jambatan Tamparuli

Kefli - You To Me Are Everything (The Real Thing)

Bonus song - Anekaragam (Black Dog Bone)

Well I think the most troubled would be Kefli. That song is actually the No.1 song on my personal most-favourite-song-of-all-time chart. I absolutely love it so I'm really really really hoping that he wont do so bad with it. If I go to any place that has a live band, that would be the first song I request for. Thats how I rate how much fun I had, I keep a mental note of who, which, where and when of it, sad eh? *hehe* Anyways, I've never heard of Akma's, Ekin's, Amylea's and Marsha's before - until last night, so I cant say much yet. Felix will surely do alright and so will Yazer & Mawi as they are given relatively easy songs. What I really cant wait is the bonus song. Its been ages since we see a bonus song performed right? I guess its late this year due to the 14 students thing. Ok thats about all for today. Cya!

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Saturday, July 09, 2005
Concert 6.

This review is brought to you LIVE from my bedroom! *hehe* Pardon the typo error.

And we're back in Stadium Malawati Shah Alam. Did they change the layout of the stage? Looks good. The students made their appearance. Mawi, Amylea, Aidil, Akma, Kefli, Marsha, Felix, Ekin & Yazer. Everyone looks nice. Marsha drop dead gorgeous in red. Standings;

Mawi 24%, Felix 18%, Amylea 9%, Aidil 9%, Marsha 9%, Akma 9%, Yazer 8%, Ekin 8%, Kefli 7%.

The critics for tonight; Iman Wan from Astro(?), Adlin Aman Ramlie (again??) & Dato Sharifah Aini (Wow!). I guess Kudsia Kahar has another function to go to or is she booted out for her Mawi remarks last week? *hehe*


Yazer - Finally better outfit. The clip where Ekin was asked/pressured to say if he likes Yazer was shown. Kenen Aznil as usual includes kompang special effect. As for his performance, he looks confident but his vocals are not consistent. Trying too much in getting that fun effect for the song maybe. My theory confirmed by Adlin. Kak Pah says her vocals not up to par. Iman said he is disappointed. A really short performance and quite forgettable too. 2.5/5.

Marsha - If her outfit was anymore sheer, it could pass for a sleeeping gown, sweet! Marsha
sang her pokok klapa song for Adlin and it surely liven things up. Shes playing the grand piano tonight. I'm nervous like hell for her. And amazing feat! If this performance doesnt open the eyes of the audience that she is gonna be a good performer and rightfully be a winner, then I dont know what would. Excellent voice control despite having to concentrate on her musical sheet. Not a perfect piano play but really good for a begginer. Standing ovation from Adlin & Iman. Adlin his words obviously could spark accusation of being biased, he asked the fans of the already fallen students to combine and vote for Marsha so that she'll be right on top. Too much? Not really. Personally I think Marsha should be on top with that performance alone. Kak Pah loves her tone and said she looks like a professional. Iman confess shes his favourite and he also jual minyak a bit. As for me I'm simply awed and wished to marry her *hehe* 4.75/5.


Kefli - Loved the white shoe. I'm just a sucker for anything white really. Another joke on Kefli. Gosh that guy could be the back-up voice for Siti! Excellent talent! I'm giving that 4/5 *hehe*. Oh my he didnt sound start of so good. His lenggok is not sculpting well. Theres some off key and a lil pitchy here and there. I dont think his voice is right for this kind of song. Its seems the end is near for him. I'm lost with Adlin's comment but I think its about getting into more feel into the songs he is performing. The stadium was really silence listening to him. Kak Pah was forgiving, she says it aint easy for a beginner to sing this sort of traditional tune and even offered to coach him. Iman said he was singing too keras. Fair comments. 2.5/5.

Amylea - Pelajar terlara. Aznil asked if she has any broken relationships. She said yes and explained her process of dealing with the issue, the same they way she did in the Akademi. Clearly her dark episode this week didnt bother her. She sang the song beautifully with her own style. KD would've been proud. Felix is doing the backing, not bad but at times he is too loud, quite distracting. Amylea sounds so good, clear diction, excellent voice control and feel for the song. It'll be a shame if she has to go. The crowd even gave a big cheer, CSH shed a tear of joy, obviously touched. Adlin said she is one of the most consistent students - spot on dude! Kak Pah said she is doing well and everything I commented on, Kak Pah confirmed it and said it was perfect. She also said she should be less cenggeng if she wants to be an anak seni. Iman said she has a fantastic voice, a great singer in the making. And he told her to be stronger emotionally. 4.5/5.

Break. Anding, Mas & Zarina introduced in the crowd as we got back. And we move along...

Ekin - Being asked about the wedding tradition in Labuan. Whoever the lucky guy is would have to go through the Bruneian wedding adat - and believe me its a tiring and long one! Not that I have experience it though *hehe*. Anyway, her performance is quite shaky but she managed to handle it. Her voice somehow sounds a bit colourless (no pun intended). She is pleasing to look as usual. I dont think theres much she can do with this song and it'll pretty hard for her to top her Lets Get Loud performance. Adlin said she needs to be flawless in her dance steps. Sedap but expressionless. Kak Pah said Adlin is right and wants her to improve. Iman said that dance steps is not Ekin's fault. Adlin was on the mic again in response to Iwan and then told Ekin to be more responsible for her concert perfromance and not to use her student label as an excuse. 3/5.

Felix - Fake leather jacket? Oh that shoes with that jeans, doesnt go. Then klip of Mawi & Felix going through the album was just silly. Oh my he started bad and then went downhill even more. Too much trying to sound macho and he simply messes up the song! I dont even wanna touch on his diction. This is his worst performance yet. Sifu looked quite convinced though. I admit it is quite entertaining seeing his stage antics but thats about it really. Inspite of this, I dont think his % will be effected though. Adlin asked if he understood his song, Felix said just a bit. Adlin said his dancing was totally out and he advised Felix to plan his moves. Kak Pah said level of confidence is really good and disagreed with Adlin with his moves. And Felixs' response to that "Thank you for the compliments" was just hillarious. Iman said his moves were gilerrr and its a very good effort. Just as i thought, he is saved by his antics despite his lack of vocals control. Nice. 3/5.

Break. Maaaannn that Yoga babe is HOT! Anyone got her email? She single? *hehe*

Aidil - I like the pants. But the top & those other accessories, simply looked tacky and cheap! Clip of them playing a trick on Ekin was shown, more twist to the EkiZer "lovestory". Ok I hope the "tangga incident" aint gonna take its toll. Aidil suprisingly started nicely. His tone was just right and for a good half of the song he was standing still, trying to do a "Kefli"? Quite captivating actually, his tone was soothing and I think he manages to grab the attention of everyone watching. Then Bandi from Amuk came into frame to join him on stage. And exclusive for the first time, Bandi took off his mask! But its a trick. The lights were blacked out! Anyway, Adlin said he is too plain and too cool. MM doesnt look happy about that comment, I'm sure she has lots to say about it. Kak Pah said Aidil has benefited from the vocal classes and has improved tremendously. Iman said its his best performance yet despite being the weakest and then said its not all about the vocals. Then he even sampaikan salam his wife. 3.15/5.

Mawi - Clip of Mawi advising his clans after being elected as head student, no comment really. I like his jacket thoug which I dont think would fit me becaue of my "sexy" tummy. Oh my, its not a good start and instantly I can tell this song is not for his vocals. I know I might be labelled tone deaf for saying this but honestly he was pitchy and his acclaimed soothing voice was at the minimum.The chorus kinda saved him a bit but his vocals are still untidy. He definately has to work on his low tone register as it doesnt move flawlessly as he reached the high notes. I even heard shouting. A fairly average performance really, his worst so far but as I expected he gets the big cheers. Adlin said he has definately passed which means no matter what he will win. Kak Pah made the crowd laugh, she puts on her tudung before commenting. She said Mawi has everything and cant find whats the X-factor in him. Iman said he has to be careful when commenting on Mawi nad surely Iwan was more generous in his words, maybe because he "discovered" him? Lelaki Melayu Terakhir? Everything perfect? Was he sarcastic when he said to Mawi to just take the car? I dont think so. I guess it must have sounded better in the stadium for the critics to deliver those comments. Gosh! I think we've seen the AF3 finals already. The rest can just pack your bags lah. 3.75/5.

Akma - Ngak ada yang cocok? Cliche but nice. I'm sure lots of guys are having wild thoughts about that statement. As usual she looks good, extra nasty with those knee high white boots. Too stiff though. She moves good and her voice can definately handle more than this song require but I guess she lacks that X-factor. Its a clean and enjoyable performance. Adlin said her height should be used to good use and asked her to move more. Kak Pah said she is doing well and hoped that she is given more challenging songs. Iman said she looks nice and can definately sing but he cant pin-point whats missing. He said she has to work hard to get that X-factor. 3.25/5.

Break. AFUNDI closed.

My Top 3: Marsha, Amylea, Mawi.

Menuju Puncak - 9 students version. The added gelek move looks silly but fun to watch. Mawi seems to be enjoying it. Oooo Ekin on top of Yazer's shoulder. *ehem*ehem*

Elimination - Aznil doing his usual banter, trying to work up the drama and suspense. He is mentioning Aidils' name too much though, could he be it this time? The Samsonite bag made an appearance and Aznil read the tag. He had a lil smile and went to Kefli and for a moment everyone thought it was him! I can hear my lil sister screaming from the living room- she is a big fan of him. And then it was clear its Aidil. And suddenly everyone panicked as Aidil collapsed! He seemed to be having a stroke. His mum was standing up and worried and immediately the stage crew came to him. We nearly went into a break. But it turned out to be a joke! Gotcha! Damn you man, you had me too *hehe* Excellent kezutan, what a way to exit! He said his good-bye and Aznil said he nearly gave him a heart attack. He was quite cheerful to leave as i'm sure he is prepared for it. I guess his luck finally ran out. Not so much of an emotional elimination. Akma said she'll miss him. Ooohhh ada apa apa ker? Aidil is obviously liked by his tutors. MM was especially tearfull.

And so that was it. A fair result except for Aidils' fans ofcourse. Ok we'll be back for Imbasan. Time for refreshments and the loo! *hehe*

Hmmm....actually I wont so much go into details for the Imbasan, I'll let you guys check out the other blogs for it. I'll just summarize things up. AAH & Adlin were the first two guest and they were asked about fanclubs and the Mawi phenom, which will obviously be scrutinized by the respective fanatiks.

When Aidil came on, Aznil asked why he acted that way. He said he planned it while he was in the dressing room before the concert, he decided that if he was to go he would make a kezutan. Clearly Aznil was worried at that moment but also must've felt fooled in front of millions. Give it a rest Nil, no matter how pro a person is, no one could have known it was a joke. Anyway, Aidil said his wishlist includes playing the piano in one of his performance. I guess he'll get to do that sooner or later.

An audience asked why he looked happy leaving, he said he is happy because he gets to be with his mum as she misses her so much. Ofcourse he is sad leaving his friends in the Akademi. He also replied that he doesnt regret leaving his job because he is persuing his dreams with AF. I respect that, theres a lot of people who just sit back and contemplate the 'what if' for the rest of their life.

Its 5 minute pass midnight and this is how the % chart looks like at the AF official site;

Felix 25%, Mawi 23%, Amylea 14%, Ekin 9%, Marsha 9%, Yazer 8%, Kefli 8%, Akma 5%.

Wow! look at Amylea. You go girl! And look at Mawi being dethroned! Oh my the fanatiks are gonna be working overtime tonight. We'll touch on that later.

Just a lil bit more on Aidil. His reunion with his mum is just simply touching. His mum said she did see improvement in his boy. His dad said he is proud of his son and gives his word that he will always give his support. When asked what type songs he would like on his album, he said he preffers pop ballad. I guess that would be alright for him. And below is how the standing was when the voting was closed by the end of the concert;

Mawi 23%, Felix 17%, Amylea 12%, Marsha 10%, Yazer 8% , Kefli 8%, Ekin 8%, Akma 7%.

It looks like Akma was in the hot spot too. Anyway, before Aidil performed his final song, Aznil announced that the audience will be able to vote for which songs they would like to be performed as a bonus song in the next concert. I'm not suprised really, I guess the money from the current sms, vcd/magazine/merchandises sales aint good enough. Oh if any Astro people is reading this, can we also like vote on what the students should be wearing? The current stylist simply has no fashion sense at all. *hehe* Whats next huh? AFKRITIK to vote for whom should be invited as a critic? *rolling eyes*

And so Aidil closed the show singing his Nak Dara Rindu tune, a trademark of his now probably. Now back to that chart showing Mawi dethroned for the first time. I somehow expect this wont be long though, Mawi fanatiks will get him on top again soon in just a few hours time. As for Amylea, I'm glad where she is although some would say its mostly pity votes. It doesnt matter now really, its already confirmed now, AF is not about vocal talent, whats important is that you need to be appealing to the audience to win. Find a way to make people like you or understand your situation, the more votes you will get. Simple!

I know you regular readers can tell that last few remarks were laced with sarcasm but come to think of it, thats the reality of AF3 now. If I was to vote, I'm glad that the people I would have chosen are really talented and not just because that person has the X-factor. Who are they? I'll let you guys guess.

And with that I end my rambling about Concert 6. And I bid you good night and I hope it has been an enjoyable read for all. Ok now where did I put that knight armour.....

Note: I know I might have left out some stuff, apologies for that.

Pecah kaca ambillah penyiut, lepas baca tolonglah blog ni kasi VOTE! *hahahaha*

A week shrouded with controversy.

It has been such an eventful week, pity its not really one that the Akademi should be proud off. It is also a week which Amylea would wish to not remember. But this controversy has benefitted her somehow. Suddenly she is up on 3rd place in which people translates it to pity votes. Is that so? What if her fans are voting more so that when the standings are read later before the concert started, she will be motivated knowing that she is in a good spot and still has her fans support.?

Ofcourse such theres no such things as a secure spot in AF, with the exception to Mawi & Felix obviously. I agree with SM when he said this two guys shouldnt even have to make those farewell cards because its very obvious that we will see these two till the finals. People will vote for their own reasons, its safe to assume now that its all got to do on how an individual felt the connection with any of those students. Some maybe see as them as a friend or a brother that is worth to be given support because they have potentials to be a good performer.

No matter how many would say Amyleas' behaviour is wrong, they will be others that understands her situation. Besides some would see this just as a normal misunderstanding and has got nothing to do with her performances. Look at this two thoughts and see if these would qualify as pity votes;

"Wow nice feel for the Beautiful Maria song Mawi, but pity he missed the tempo quite a lot. Nevermind though, I'm still gonna vote for him so that he will be able to improve on his errors in the coming concerts."

"Hmm...not a good week for Amylea but she has been consistent in her performance and so I will vote more so that she has would feel motivated for the next concert"

Sensible reasons? Or would this be classified as a pity vote? Go figure.

Anyways, I was reading AliSejuk's AF Xtra blog and the latest one was mostly about Ekin. Alisejuk made this comment "Dari Xtra yg aku selalu tengok, Ekin ni memang jenis yg tak berapa serius bila Cg tegur (contoh nya bila Cg. tegur, Ekin senyum, gelak2, pastu buat iklan, bila Cg pandang kat tempat lain). Pastu bila kena tegur, dia pasti nangis. Bila nangis susah nak di pujuk. " That is surely not the qualities of a good student. I'm puzzled on why Ekin would be acting this way. This show of disrespect will be taken as a serious matter. If this was shown on the normal Diari, I'm sure her standings would be in trouble. Heres hoping tht she will get her act right immediately.

Ok, so my prediction on who will be leaving tonight? Its pretty tough to call. No gut feelings pestering me today. I doubt that it will be Amylea despite all the problems shes had this week. Akma has been seen also as a conspirator to this problem but I'm not sure if it'll effect her position. Ekin is obviouly not so comfy with Warna but I think she might just pull it off later. Aidil & Kefli could probably be on the "out" list but then again both of them performed quite well last week. Marsha despite having to play the piano while singing her song tonight, should be able to handle the task nicely. Yazer...hmmm...could it be a more shocking result if he was the one to leave? I'm not sure about him suddenly. As for Felix & Mawi, there are in the safest spot and it will only be a freak disaster that could see one of them ever leave before the finals.

So its up in the air. Its anybodys guess. I'm not gonna speculate more. Lets just see how it goes tonight. Enjoy the show!

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Friday, July 08, 2005

Yesterdays' bombing of London really shocked my senses. I was stunned and sadden when a place I hold close to my heart has been attacked by so-called Jihad scums who uses Islam as an excuse for killing innocent people. I felt worried and also violated. Worried because I have friends who are studying there and the locations of this disaster is close to their residence and the targeted bus & underground tube being their normal mode of transport to school. I was actually stunned hearing the news that it didnt register in my mind to atleast message them. Alhamdulillah, everyone is alright, no Brunei citizens were in the fatalities list. I hope its the same for Malaysian community there.

I also felt violated as I call London as my other home. I might have only spent three and a half years there, but the experience is just exhilarating. It was a real taste of freedom which also helps me learn about being responsible and berdikari. I stayed in Brunei Hall, which is really close to Edgware Road & Baker Street which was effected by the incident yesterday. Edgware road is also the normal route to Malaysian Hall where we go for out Jummaat prayers and have a good Malay meal while checking out the sweet Malaysian babes *hehe*

Anyway, as a matter of fact, all the places and the route that was attacked yesterday was my usual path when I move around London. I hold those places dear in my heart. Personally I dont like the underground tube. My paranoid mind always told me to stay out of it incase of any mishaps. If you take the bus, atleast if anything happens pun, theres always a view. Gosh I miss London. But its not a place I wanna live in, well unless I'm a millionaire lah. I must admitt this though, I didnt do so much studying, I was more of a bedroom DJ and wasting most of my allowances on records! But alhamdulillah, I managed to pull through.

I apologise if this post is not so much about AF. I know theres so much commotion in AF right now but I hardly see it relevant to be talked about when lots of innocent lives were killed. Lets have a minute of silence and pray that the loved ones that the victims have left will always be strong.

Ok back to the usual purpose of this blog. Theres actually so much I wanna say about the "Amylea Ambush" episode. But I feel quite reluctant to do so just yet. I would suggest everyone read Dunia-dunia Luar Tempurung Kelapa by alisejuk on the Xtra scenes about it. I'd like you response about it here. Before I go, I'd like to highlight this two comments made in my "Is MAWI really that good?" post.

[MissSel] wrote;
1. Suara power n ngancam.....
2. Muka dia bila tengok tak jemu mata memandang....... stiap ari ingat dia.....
3. Low profile n tak jahat mulut.
4. Friendly n charming.
5. Kelakar orangnya, kira kalau ada dia hidup jadi ceria.
6. Pak Arab...... ingat pada agama n tak mudah lupa diri.
7. Seorang pemimpin yang disegani oleh adik2 dia kat af.
8. Attitude dia superb.
9. Ada inisiatif untuk maju dlm nyanyian n tak tertumpu pd nak jd glamer n populer jer.
10. Apa2 lagu pun dia bleh nyanyi sbb 2 dia layak digelar WORLD...........

so amacam........ WORLD........

And [tak world pun] replied
*Yaaawwwnnnnn* itu saja? banyak orang lain pun ada kualiti tu. the only thing diaorang takde is camera monitor kegiatan diaorang hari2. Oh, tak jahat mulut? Tu senang2 kata anak orang miang tu beradab ker? Dia baru pun tau Ekin lima minggu or so , boleh ker dia judge macam tu? Itu kah cara pemimpin menegur anak buah nya? Cakap tak bertapis di depan mata beribu?

Tak usah lah cakap pasal agama. Kalau dia benar sorang yang alim, dia tak kan masuk program yang tiada menghalang seorang lelaki bergaul bebas dan berpegang aurat dengan wanita. Honestly, I'm sick of people saying he is alim. Ya maybe dia seorang qari, tapi apa yang kita liat hari2 di diari tu character orang yang alim ker?

Good point? I quite agree with [tak world pun] so I'd like to hear you two cents about it. Catcha later peeps.

Pics credit: BBC.CO.UK . Click HERE to see more pics.

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