Dah Demam? Akademi Fantasia with a twist!

Dah Demam? Akademi Fantasia with a twist!

Greetings! This blog first came to life for my reviews and comments on Akademi Fantasia 2. It was more of a challenge to me as a way of developing my writing skills and basically also sharing ideas and thoughts with other fans. Alhamdulillah, the response has been good and I hope I will always be able to blog more on AF in the seasons to come.

Please note:
I am NOT A PROFESSIONAL. Let it be known that I am not musically trained or had any experience in attending such musical studies and neither have I any stage performance experience. The closest thing related to music is probably my 10++ years experience as a bedroom & mobile dj. What you read here is my personal opinion, my "pandangan mata kasar" and shouldn't be taken so seriously as I am sure before you visited this blog, you have formed your own opinion. If you are easily influenced, then I would suggest you get offline as you will read lots of conflicting comments / articles / writings on many things and it could just get messy in your head trying to understand them all. As a visitor I respect and welcome your comments, as long as the understanding is vice versa. Any ratings I gave are based on my own criteria of what is musically entertaining to myself, e.g. goosebumps factor, etc., etc. So disagree or laugh all you want if you find it silly. The ratings are not meant to discredit or hurt anyones feelings as I remind you again I'm NOT A PROFESSIONAL critic or whatever you wanna call it. So just please take it all as light reading and dont take it to heart especially if you are academicly qualified in the matter at hand. I'm just an amateur, so give me a break ok and spare me the lectures? *hehe*

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

MAWI: `Jangan taksub memuja saya'

MAWI dikerumuni peminatnya ketika tiba pada majlis perasmian Johorparks Ledang International Climbathon 2005 di Gunung Ledang Resort, Tangkak, Johor semalam. - Gambar SUFFIAN ABU BAKAR.

MUAR 26 Ogos - Juara Akademi Fantasia 3 (AF3), Asmawi Ani atau Mawi mengingatkan para peminat fanatiknya supaya tidak terlalu taksub memujanya sehingga menyebabkan beliau terlalu `takut' dengan harapan terlalu tinggi yang diletakkan ke atasnya.

Katanya, walaupun terharu dengan sambutan yang diterima oleh para peminat, beliau meminta mereka menganggapnya sebagai kawan dan jangan terlalu memuja beliau.

``Sebagai manusia biasa, saya takut dengan keadaan yang saya alami sekarang. Sokongan dan harapan anda semua menyebabkan saya dalam ketakutan dan tidak lena tidur,'' katanya.

Anak kelahiran Felda Taib Andak, Kulai, Johor yang baru menyambut hari lahirnya yang ke-24 semalam menyatakan demikian ketika diberi peluang berucap selama kira-kira lima minit semasa menghadiri Program `Johorparks Ledang International Climbathon 2005' yang dirasmikan oleh Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman di Gunung Ledang Resort, Tangkak, di sini hari ini.

Sepanjang ucapannya itu, Mawi juga terus memberi nasihat kepada peminatnya dan kali ini nasihatnya ditujukan kepada mereka yang gemar berlumba haram atau Mat Rempit.

``Kepada Mat-Mat Rempit di luar sana, hentikan perbuatan anda, berhati-hatilah ketika di jalan raya,'' katanya.

Peserta AF3 yang popular itu sempat mengajak tetamu yang hadir termasuk Menteri Besar melaungkan `Johor World' sebanyak tiga kali sebelum mengakhiri ucapannya.

Pada majlis itu, Mawi turut dilantik sebagai Duta Konservasi Perbadanan Taman Negara Johor (PTNJ) dan menjadi ahli taman negara itu seumur hidup.

Selain pelantikan itu, beliau turut menerima Anugerah Pencapaian Terbaik Anak Johor 2005 yang diberikan oleh Kerajaan Johor atas kejayaan beliau.

Ini merupakan anugerah ketiga yang diterima Mawi selepas beliau menjuarai AF3, baru-baru ini.

Majlis pelantikan dan penyampaian anugerah disempurnakan oleh Abdul Ghani yang turut menyifatkan Mawi mampu menjadi contoh terbaik belia yang berfikiran positif. Sementara itu, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pelancongan dan Alam Sekitar Negeri, Freddie Long Hoo Hin berkata, Mawi dilantik sebagai duta konservasi kerana mengambil kira pencapaiannya yang sinonim dengan ikon remaja.

Katanya, PTNJ berharap Mawi dapat menyanyikan lagu yang berunsurkan konservasi bagi meniup semangat kepada generasi muda untuk menyintai alam semula jadi.

``Mawi dapat menjadi contoh kepada artis tanah air untuk menyampaikan dan mendendangkan lagu yang berunsurkan konservasi.

``Kami amat berharap pencipta lagu yang bakal mencipta lagu untuk Mawi dapat menghasilkan lagu yang bertemakan konservasi juga,'' katanya ketika berucap pada majlis itu.

Katanya, Anugerah Pencapaian Terbaik Anak Johor 2005 kepada Mawi adalah sebagai pengiktirafan terhadap kejayaan Mawi dalam bidang yang diceburinya sehingga diangkat sebagai contoh kepada anak muda.

``Sebagai juara AF3, Mawi mempunyai imej yang bersih dan mengharumkan nama Johor. Kejayaan yang dicipta Mawi harus dicontohi oleh semua lapisan masyarakat terutamanya yang dalam mengejar cita-cita,'' katanya.

Menurutnya, pihaknya berharap Mawi sebaris dengan penyanyi yang membawa lagu berunsurkan konservasi terkenal seperti Zainal Abidin, Ramli Sarip dan Anggun C. Sasmi.

Terdahulu, Mawi bersama Abdul Ghani dan Freddie serta lebih 300 hadirin majlis pelancaran menyertai acara J-robik yang diadakan di Dataran Kompleks Gunung Ledang Resort selama hampir sejam.

Mawi juga tidak menghampakan permintaan peminat untuk mendendangkan lagu `Gadis Melayu' yang dinyanyikan secara duet dengan seorang kakitangan Majlis Perbandaran Muar (MPM), Amy Mohammad. Source: Utusan.com.my

Bibiran: To all my Malaysian friends & visitors, Selamat Hari Merdeka ke 48. Hope you had fun celebrating it.

Monday, August 22, 2005
MAWI Dajal Milinium

Sebenarnya aku malas nak membuang masa menulis pasal pemuda mabok yang bernama Mawi ni tapi ntah kenapa pertama kali aku tengok dia hati aku betul betul benci tahap lapan pada dia ni. Waktu aku tengok budak yahudi mabok ni dia masih belum popular macam sekarang ni. Masa tu peringkat awal AF3. Menyanyi ntah apa apa, suara macam anak babi kena katok. Aku ingatkan Skinhead mana tapi budak budak Skinhead tak bodoh macam mamat yahudi mabok ni. Mungkin aku ni wali walakoq wali pisau cakok sebab tu masa awai awai aku tengok dia aku dah benci betul pada dia ni. Rupa rupanya memang benar yang anak Felda yang tak lulus SPM ni adalah dajal zaman melinium.

Sewaktu aku menulis ini aku baru saja terima sms dari seorang kawan suruh aku buka TV2(18 ogos jam 12.00 pagi). Aku dah agak ini mesti pasal dajal Mawi. Memang benarlah, ramai orang Johor pakat berhimpun sambut merdeka. Mawi di atas pentas mengajak semua yang hadir supaya menyokong UMNO. Katanya marilah kita sama sama menyokong UMNO dan belia benci PAS) semua yang hadir bertepuk tangan tak kurang juga dalam kesesakan menepuk punggung.. Manakan tidak terhimpit himpit maklumlah mawi kan pernah jadi imam jadi masa jadi yahudi mabok ni pun dia mengajak semua makmum yang kat bawah pentas tu supaya rapat rapat. Kalau aku ada kat situ pun aku rapat. Dah barang free nanti kalau tak rasa rugi pulak. Mawi pun menyerit Hidup Melayu…… hidup Melayu…… Hidup Melayu… Ramailah melayu Johor yang hidup kembali selepas laungan keramat si dajal Mawi ni. Lepas pada ni tinggallah YB Senggarang masak kari sorang sorang. Bukan apa aku tengok ramai jugak anak orang PAS dalam ramai ramai tu. Ala orang PAS pun suka pada si Dajal Mawi ni. Yang pak pak lebai PAS benci sangat pada mat mat rock dan skinhead. Pak lebai dan Mak Aji PAS kalau boleh nak buat menantu si dajal Mawi ni. Masakan tidak sejuk rasanya hati bila tengok si Mawi ni berjanggut. Sembahyang tak tinggal. Banyak jugak muslimat PAS yang meleleh air liur, air mata, air ketumban dan macam macam air lagilah bila tengok si Mawi ni. Jangan sapa sapa cuba nak kutuk Mawi nanti pak lebai dan muslimat PAS akan di depan membela Mawi. Nota : (MUSLIMAT PAS TIDAK MEMBAWA MAKSUD DEWAN MUSLIMAT PAS)******

Akhbar Suara keADILan meletakkan gambar Mawi di muka depan dengan tajuk MAWI ANAK REFORMASI. Nampaknya bukan lebai PAS saja yang minat Mawi tapi orang Anwar pun minat juga pada Mawi. Kebetulan malam tadi aku berbual dengan salah seorang AJK Angkatan Muda PKR Pusat yang mendapat undi tertinggi sewaktu pemilihan dulu. Katanya walau Mawi hanya membawa satu saja kebaikan ia tetap di kira kebaikan dan Allah akan menilainya bukannya kita. Emmm aku setuju benarlah dengan Awek PKR ni. Kira kita bolehlah ikut setan kerana setan lagi hebat. Setan boleh membawa 1000 kebaikan untuk menipu manusia. Mawi cuma 1 kebaikan tapi setan 1000 jadi bolehlah Awek PKR ni ikut setan selepas ni. Katanya lagi mungkin Mawi nak jadikan itu satu platform untuk berdakwah. Kebetulan pula Awek PKR ni tinggal kat Johor jadi mugkin tadi dia pun ada sama sewaktu Mawi berdakwah supaya rakyat menyokong UMNO. Tentulah besar pahala yang di perolehi bagi sesiapa yang hadir ke konsert ….. opsss ceramah Mawi tadi. Bukakah allah telah menjanjikan keampunan kepada sesiapa yang berada dalam majlis ilmu. Lepas ni bolehlah kalau kalau awek PKR ni minta agar Mawi menjadi naqib team usrahnya. Tentu bestkan. Kata Awek yang jadi orang kuat Angkatan Muda PKR ni lagi.. mat rock yang pakai seluar ketat rambut panjang lagi teruk pada Mawi. Ehh ehh betul ke…

Tak sangka ye gang gang rambut panjang ni jahat jahat belaka.. Patut la orang PAS pun benci dengan gang gang rock ni. Tapi yang aku dok jumpa gang gang ni la yang dok pasang bendera dan poster PAS semasa pilihan raya. Ustad ustad dok meyorok dalam surau. Baca kitab bila jumpa bab hudud dia kata tak payah belajarlah bab ni. Yang aku kata ni ustad PAS la bukan Ustad UMNO. ( TIDAK BERMAKSUD USTAZ USTAZ PIMPINAN PAS). Lepas pilihan raya kutuk sampai tahap tujuh gang gang rambut panjang ni. Tak dak aklak, Mat dadah semua ada. Lagu Rock Haram… lagu hindustan halal… Mariah Carey jahat… Siti Norhaliza baik… Awie setan tapi Mawi macam malaikat bagi lebai PAS. Nampaknya bukan saja abang abang lebai yang benci pada orang orang macam pyan habib dan Nasir Jani ni tapi si Awek PKR ni pun benci jugak.

Yang paling dasyat sekali aku dengar Topik Pagi Era di Radio Era semasa mawi menang seorang wanita yang separuh umur kerana minatnya pada Mawi ni sehinggakan minta suaminya botakkan kepala macam Mawi. Si Laki yang bodoh ni pun ikut.. Awek PKR yang kononnya islamik ni mana la nak dengar radio Era. Harammmmmmmm. Kena la dengar RKIM dot FM. Kena dengar lagu lagu nasyid je. Lagi pun kumpulan kumpulan nasyid ni kan semuanya baik macam Mawi tapi penakut pun boleh tahan jugak. Macam pelaq……
UNICORN Survivalunicorn@yahoo.com

Taken from: Teranung Kite Online

Bibiran: Gosh! This is just too much! I pity Mawi and I hope he will banyak bersabar as this type of comments will always be around.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
A Date With Akademi Fantasia 3 Idols In September
By Rosli Abidin Yahya

Bandar Seri Begawan - Fans ofAkademi Fantasia 3 will soon get a chance to catch their idols - who have just completed their third session - at concerts that have been tentatively scheduled to be held at the JPCC Amphitheatre in Jerudong on September 23 and 24.

Led by the overall winner Mawi, other students like Felix, Amylea, Marsha, Yazer, Keifli, Ekin, Akma, Reza, Amy, Aidil, Idayu, Fuad, and Elliza will be headed here for the concerts next month.

In addition, Malaysian top host Aznil Nawawi will also be making an appearance.
De Hayat Musical and Production Managing Director Pg Hj Abu Bakar bin Pg Hj Othman revealed that he had just returned from Kuala Lumpur following discussions with the idols on the concert pattern.

He also briefed them on the concert guidelines as practiced in Brunei Darussalam, such as wardrobes, choices of songs and so on.

Having organised big name concerts in the past, the entertainment company is very experienced and well-versed with the security procedures and concert guidelines, he added.

"The new idols may even see a large number of local fans following them here, especially considering Mawi - the biggest AF sensation - is also headed to Brunei.

"We have devise plans on how to handle the huge crowd that will follow the idols when they arrive next month," he said.

Details on ticket sales and ticket outlets will be released to the press as soon as we have obtained the green-light to do so from the relevant authorities, added Pg Hj Abu Bakar.

Akademi Fantasia is a reality talent TV programme that has taken the nation by storm over the past three years. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Friday, August 12, 2005
Tsumawi here and there....

I dont think we'll be spared of any news about him for this next few weeks. Theres gonna be lots of stories tied-up to him, some mostly indirectly. I pity this average joe who is suddenly bombarded by mllions of adoring fans, groups of media people who wants to get the best of exclusives for their medium and then also not forgetting those people who wants to make every cent out of his name and fame a.k.a. show promoter, lanun cetak rompak, movie houses, etc., Its normal I guess. Its part of the package that comes with instant fame, like it or not, he is gonna get more.

Below are some more links to the news that is all about Mawi. That news about that massive vcd raid shows how this barely 12 weeks old "artist" is being exploited. Over here, from weeks back, we've had the Prelude concert till the Final Concert on DVD & VCD and the songs on CD. Now they've came up with individual collections. So if you are a fan of Marsha, you can get all her AF Concert performances all in one DVD or VCD and the songs again on CD. I'm not sure if they did it for every AF3 students though, the final four I'm sure. And its pretty cheap too, for DVD its only RM12, VCD RM8 and the CD RM5. I know this is all no good for the AF3 graduates but over here, I'm ashamed to say theres just no control.

On a different note, the hottest issue regionally is ofcourse the jerebu. I think over here in Brunei, we're not as badly affected but its still not a good thing to be out in the open right now. I'm sure the kids at school are praying hard it'll get worse so that they education department would close down the schools like they did before when it first hits Brunei. Back then we even had a sembahyang hajat & sebaghyang minta hujan berjemaah simultaneously in every mosqued nationwide. I hope it wont get that worse again.

And while we're on the subject of hot news, the one thats on everybodys lips here is the hysteria thats been happening at an all girls high school here in Bandar Seri Begawan. Mass hysteria that hits atleast 20 girls in one instant. This happened almost quite frequently that even one if the makcik who works at the kitchen was affected too and school was closed down. Those possessed by the spirits just simply fell to the ground, rolling, kicking and shouting hysterically (read: The Exorcist movie style). One girl who is a pure Malay even started to talk in chinese! One of the now cured students said theres an army of 40 thousand spirits now converging in the school! They are standing/sitting in between the students all over the school. Some said these spirits are from the recently cleared forest which is being used now to build a government office. So these spirits are basically pissed that their "home" is taken and so they decided to make the school their new home.

But lots would say thats not the real story. If sources from Have Your Say (HYS), a popular no-holds-barred Bruneian "forum", it is the cause of 4 students who invited those spirits to do harm on a girl that they dont like. You guys ever heard of that practise of using coins and blood to call bad spirits? Well I dont know about it but apparently while they were in the process of doing this "ritual" they were ambushed by a teacher. So apparently, they have "opened the gates" for this bad spirits to keep coming. Whats worse is that these students werent expelled! In HYS a whisltblower even gave the initials of those girls and the writer even said they were daughters of prominent government officials, hence them being transfered only to a different school rather than expelled.

Well I really dont know how true is all this. Its all hear-say so I'm not sure how credible it is but I thought I'll just share it with all. I'm not making any accusations or trying to bring down an individual or group, I'm merely telling a story. I do believe in spirits as we are not the only mahluk Allah.

Anyways, panjang pulak my story. I'm gonna leave you guys with more news about AF3 which mostly about Mawi. Cyass!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Spotlight on fiancee, family not used to Mawi's fame.

Mohamed Naim Samijan is finding it hard getting used to the spotlight his family has come into. The 50-year-old Felda settler has become the focus of not only his neighbours but also the Press ever since Asmawi Ani, better known as Mawi, won the Akademi Fantasia 3 last Saturday.Naim’s daughter Nor Diana, 21, is engaged to Mawi.

"Even my neighbours are asking when they are getting married. I tell them that they have not fixed a date."We have to respect the bridegroom’s family and discuss details of the wedding with them first," he said when met at his home in Felcra Sunga Ara. He said his daughter had known Mawi for several years and they were engaged in a simple ceremony in February. He said he was happy for Mawi who has been transformed into a singing sensation after winning 1.7 million SMS votes in the final concert.

Nevertheless, he said he did not want Mawi’s fame to affect Nor Diana."I have advised her to be calm and patient as with this win also comes a tight schedule. I also told her not to change her ways but remain a simple girl." HAPPY COUPLE: A picture of Mawi and Nor Diana taken last Raya.Naim said his future son-in-law had always been honest, humble and straightforward.

"When he asked for Nor Diana’s hand in marriage, I accepted him with an open heart," he said.Mawi, he said, at that time was between jobs — teaching Quran at home and working at a karaoke lounge.Meanwhile, in Felda Taib Andak Kulai, Mawi's primary school teacher Jaafar Masuan, 47, said Mawi had shown extraordinary talent as a nasyid singer from an early age.‘Mawi will not change’Nor Diana Mohamed Naim, 21, the fiancee of singing sensation Asmawi Ani, 24, is confident the singer will be unfazed by fame.

"My instinct tells me that he will remain the person he is and will not change despite the popularity and fame after winning Akademi Fantasia 3," she said at her home in Felcra Sungai Ara, here.Nor Diana, who got engaged to Mawi on Feb 11, said they had a long discussion after Mawi was accepted as a contender on the reality TV show.Among others, he promised her that he would remain faithful to her and asked her to be understanding on his hectic contract-bound schedule as a recording artiste with Maestro."I believe that he will be able to weather the challenges as an artiste and keep his promise.

"After winning the competition, he phoned me and said that he will not have a change of heart," she said.Nor Diana, who works as a quality control assistant at an electronics factory in Kota Tinggi, also said Mawi has warned her from now on, they would be in the limelight, including media coverage and public attention."I have always prayed that he will be a singer and now our prayers have been answered, Alhamdullillah," she said.Nor Diana was introduced to Mawi by her colleague.

After five months of phone calls, they first dated on Aug 31, last year. The relationship blossomed and they were engaged last February.Mawi auditioned for AF on March 19, which happened to be Nor Diana’s 21st birthday."Mawi said his acceptance into AF is a birthday gift to me."When we got engaged, he promised that the wedding would be held next year, but now it is up to Mawi," she said.

Source: www.nst.com.my

Bibiran: So I guess we'll be hearing lots of this instant celebrity couple huh? I can imagine already many marketing minded individuals trying to see what opportunity might be available for them to do some good product placement. Lets see.... A hotel could provide their ballroom for his wedding reception, a bridal shop could sponsor his wedding attire plus pelamin, a rental car company could provide his transportation.... theres a lot eh? Infact, Mawi & Nor Diana wont even have to spend that much! It'll be like the wedding of the decade! Almost everything sponsored for!

Please dont take this as me making fun of them ok? We are back in reality and all those things are possible. Anyways, I wish them the best of luck and hopefully they wont be bothered so much by the press/media as they go on with their life. Below are some more headlines worth a look...

Saturday, August 06, 2005
AF3 Final Concert *yaaaaaaawwwnnnnnn* Such an anti-climax.

Can I say this? "See! I told you so!" For the first time in all the years of watching AF, somehow that sentence doesnt give me any satisfaction. I've predicted weeks back already about Mawi running with it all and with tonights final concert, I rest my case. To be honest, I'm not so eager to write a review about it but for the sake of my faithful visitors, I will be posting it sometime tommorow afternoon. So stay tuned peeps and sorry for the delay.

UPDATED 07/08/05 1725hrs.

So its all over and done with. The total domination by Mawi is very much predicted. All that talk by Aznil that theres shocking changes in position were justlies to encourage more people to vote. I mean di you guys see the final voting %? It was something like Mawi 58%, Felix 30%, Amylea 6% & Marsha 4%. Ok I'm not sure about Amyleas' %, so do correct me if I'm wrong. But my point is, how is that talk about "shocking changes" possible with that kind of %? Astro seems not content with already that play of hiding the % after concert 9 last week. Anyways, here goes my final AF3 concert review....

Critics; Kudsia Kahar, Adlin Aman Ramlie & Syafinaz. Quite expected really.

Felix - I dont know what to say about his outfit. So I'll just skip it. I'm not liking his first song. His vocals are just all over. At times out of tempo. As usual it was an effortless performance but all those screaming aint really working and smooth. This song is just not one for the final. Totally silly arrangement IMHO. Its like that Sham person is showing-off or something. Does nothing to really showcase Felixs' talent. Entertaining, yes, but if one was to be critical about his vocals, it aint pretty. Kudsia liked it. Adlin highlighted his tempo and lack of attitude. Syafinaz said he is full of energy, needs to control his breathing and not to overshoot his top notes. 3/5.

Amylea - Her dress fits her image. Singing her specially composed song - Ku Berserah - with the cool touch of a flowery swing. The lil drama with Felix is nice too. She started of well. Her voice sounded rich and her potrayed mood demands attention. She just blends in beautifully to the musical arrangement. A truly final-worthy performance. Its not perfect, but for a first time singing a "foreign" song, its really good. Miss Consistency did it again. And those who doubt her about singing a new song, eat your heart out! Kudsia said she should get the most dedicated student award. Ditto. Adlin said she is the best student amongst all. Syafinaz said she is beautiful. She said her 1st few notes were flat but pointed out clearly that Amylea made the effort to do well and it was a very commendable performance. 4.45/5.

Marsha - Marsha looks so lovely, as usual. Her 60s look is just spot on. Her vocals are a bit tenggelam. But her facial expression and play with the audience probably compensates that fact. She is definately enjoying herself. Her vocals slided a bit only but otherwise it was an entertaining performance. Kudsia said its not her best performance but she not. Adlin said she is naughty on stage and it made her act alive. Pose maut. He obviously like Marsha and that VT of his mum giving him some tips is just hillarious! Syafinaz said her best assets is her kemanjaan which is a plus for the guys. She commented a lot, mostly about her not being confident and the lil glitches here and there. 4/5.

Mawi - This time around the kampung boys backing vocals are replaced by the national choir. Astro trying to redeem themselves I think. Finally he stepped up to the plate. To me, its his best performance in this AF3. But I feel its just a little too late. If he had shown this kind of quality in his performance, no one would have questioned his popularity. I guess he is a slow learner? Anyways, Kudsia likes his expression and it was a good performance. Adlin said AF is a malay dominated program and that is probably why he is most liked, because people see a hero in him. He labelled his act as the best directed performance. Syafinaz said she can finally see his talent and so far for tonight, it is the most stable performance. 4.6/5.

Round 1 done. My ranking: Mawi, Amylea, Marsha & Felix. Round 2 commence....

Felix - That SIPUT poster is cool! I want one! He started out just fine but at the end of the verse of the chorus, we can definately hear everything crumbling down. Its not an easy verse and I'm sure some professional singers would have trouble with it too. So its forgiveable. I doubt it if he will spared about it by Syafinaz though. We know Felix was so unhappy when he got this song, so that doesnt help his performance tonight, I think that bit when Akma walked on stage at the end of his song, that totally was just sweet. Kudsia said everyone knows how difficult the song is but he shouldnt have forgotten the lyrics. Adlin asked Felix if he thinks both of his performance was good. Felix said no. Adlin said if he was to impress everyone, Felix should put some more feel into it. Syafinaz said the choice of key is important (do you think the students get to decided this? Hello?) so she was disappointed to him not performing well as she thought he is the best contender for the title tonight. 4/5.

Amylea - Kinda dull at first. Lacked the oommpph! But as I expected she managed to pumped up the energy of her performance. Simply captivating on stage and that lil girl add more excitement. Kudsia said she makes her proud to be in the show. Standing ovation by all the audience, except maybe fans of Mawi. Kudia said Amylea definately didnt disappoint her fans. Adlin said finally he feels like being in a concert and forgives her little mistakes as she was really entertaining. Syafinaz said she rocked! Good communications with the crowd and overall it was a really good show. It must've sounded great in the stadium. 4.75/5.

Marsha - Another lovely outfit for Marsha. Tipah Tipah is finally revealed... it is Adlin! Obviously they are just playing around. She started quite nicely but a few verses later, obviously she forgot the lyrics. Some intentsity to the song is certainly lost there. She recovered a bit when the chorus came. Her voice is just soothing and definately challenged. Her expressions were beautiful too. She cried, obviously disappointed with herself. Kudsia said she doesnt need to cry because overall she sounded better than her first song. Adlin went all flirty with his comments, I couldnt even be bothered to listen to it. Syafinaz kenakan Adlin about being too nice for his review. Syafinaz said she was a lil all over the place, probably because of the pressure tonight. 4.15/5.

Mawi - The clip of his audition was really hillarious. He REALLY needs to learn to dance better. I guess the 10 weeks so far is not enough yet. Another good performance by Mawi despite some unstable low notes. We can see both of the composer of the song approving his way of penyampaian. I dont think I need to say more as we can see how hysterical the crowd went when he finished the song. Kudsia said he has improved his dancing skills and told him not to stop learning the vocal technique. Adlin said certain parts of the song, he couldnt imagine M Nasir singing it. Now what qualifies him to say those things challenging the Sifu's capabilities?! Silly. Anyways, Adlin said Mawi shouldnt stop learning. Syafinaz showed her the proper way to open his mouth and told him that he has a lot more to learn. 4.65/5.

And that was it. The final four has shown their worth. My ranking for was round 2; Amylea, Mawi, Marsha & Felix.

After the break, the winner of AF2, Zahid performed Wo! hit song. Then an exclusive new song from Vince backed by Zahid. It was entertaining and really nice to see both of them mixing it up. And as their performance ends, the voting is officially closed. Menuju Puncak was next and all 14 students were on stage for the very last time for AF3. Its nice to see everyone back in there.
And as for the results....

Best Vocals: MAWI. (Suprise! suprise!)

Best Performance: MAWI. (Oh really!? Its soooo unexpected!)

4th place: MARSHA.

3rd place: AMYLEA.

2nd place: FELIX.

1st place: MAWI. (*roll eyes*)

Again, a very much anticipated result that makes AF3 even more the most boring one since AF started. My choice would have been: Amylea, Mawi, Marsha & Felix. Best vocals would go for Idayu and best performance to Marsha for Destiny. Anyways, lets just let it be and congratulate them all.
Oh take a look at this AF3 Final Concert DVD cover, check out the pics of Felix & Marsha. See it? Woahahahahahaa its the one that I made! And thanks to them I'm getting free publicity for this blog! Thanks Kadai Komunis - thats what us Bruneian affectionately call that shop. *hehe*

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us



Friday, August 05, 2005
The End Is Near....

My Way - Frank Sinatra

And now, the end is near;

And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which Im certain.
I've lived a life thats full. I've traveled each and every highway;

And more, much more than this, I did it my way.

Regrets, I've had a few;

But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do. And saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course; Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this, I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried.

I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that; And may I say - not in a shy way,
No, oh no not me, I did it my way.

For what is a man, what has he got?

If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows - And did it my way!

I think this song fits in more better for this season. It has been a mixed wave of suprises, controversies, speculations, enlightenment and what have yous. This song would be best to potray the spirits of the 14 students who was selected for the journey. Tomorrow, the last four students will battle it out despite the very predictive outcome. On a personal level, I think it has been a very exciting journey for me too. I'm glad to have been able to share my thoughts and comfort some with my writings. I've surely met some new friends whom I hope would always be around despite AF coming to a close.

So I've just seen the 2nd last Diari. It already has some elements of sadness. Marsha has already said her goodbyes to Tuan Besar. We havent seen the rest do it but I'm sure later in the evening we will be seeing more Premier moments, so get a box or two ready *hehe*. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do a one big review of the whole season really, its a bit of a cliche. Even this entry is almost one already.

I'm not gonna comment so much on how the students have been preparing for the songs. Its just fair since we will surely see something spectacular tomorrow night, it is the final after all. We will see them turn up a notch due to the vibe they will get in that stadium tomorrow. As for my review of it, I think it'll be late on Sunday afternoon. I'm sure my co-blogger will post hers earlier thaqn mine. And if you are asking if I'll be shutting down this blog after AF3 draws its cutains, no I'm not. I will try my very best to keep it going as I'm sure theres lots of things happening after this. I'm really hoping to bring you guys more exclusive pics & news if they do come down to Brunei. So stay tuned.

Ok doks, see ya guys in my final concert rerview. Till then, have a good time watching the concert.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Songs for the AF3 Final;

Kudaku Lari (Sharifah Aini)
Warkah Berlagu Pilu (Adnan Abu Hassan)

Manusia (Saloma, covered again by SheilaMajid)
Untuk Terakhir Kali (Sharon Paul,x)

Seroja (S.S Fendi, covered again by Jamal Abdillah)
Aduh Saleha (M.Nasir,Loloq)

Sweet Child Of Mine (Guns & Roses)
Ku Serah (Adnan Abu Hassan)

To be honest, its a really dumb choice of songs made by whoever it is whos incharged. So I'm not gonna say much. Theres so much bloggernalysis* about it already, so feel free to surf to Elkapitan's or SM's. I am eager to hear your take about it though.

I think the build-up for the coming final concert is anticlimactic. And as SM said it "Makin dekat menemui penghujungnya, makin membosankan. Cepatlah habis! Aku mahu kembali ke dunia realiti!" Agreed. Lets just get it done and over with. The ending is predictable. Only a miracle can topple Mawi from his throne which he has comfortably reign for the past 9 weeks. The decision of Astro not showing the votes will not help, it has probably ignited a feverish desire for Mawi's fans to vote even more. Astro anticipated all this and if you're conducting a business, you know you must make it to your advantage. Nak suspen konon. *roll eyes*

And before I end this entry, let me just make this imporatnt announcement, I LOVE MARSHA's "NEW" HAIR! *hehe*

*bloggernalysis = an issue/topic highlighted/analized by a blogger or a visitor to the blog. Nope the word doesnt exist, just thought I'd create my own definition *hehe*.




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